...It's my birthday. I hate my birthday with a passion. It used to mean so much when I was younger and as the years go on I started to hate it even more. I suppose I started to dislike it when I realized that it was never going to be the same as when I was younger. I always get these big expectation that it is going to be this grand thing and it just turns out bad. I'm tired of being let down ever time that I get my hope up. With party, gifts or people just saying it in general. I stopped celebrating it about five years ago when I turned 21. I just got into a huge fight with my urrent girlfriend about her wanting to buy me a gift and me telling her no. I didn't want anything and she got upset. To the point where we both just hung up on each other. I really don't want to be let down again this year. I really don't want too...
If she wants to get you a gift let her, don't let you not wanting a gift Jack with your relationship. I have a couple of people that get me something small. Even if it's cheesy or stupid I do my best to let them know I'm thankful for it. I have had huge birthday blowouts that went badly and gave up trying as well but if someone wants to get something just try to play it that you like small things not big dollar items. It seems to help.