I thought losing all this weight would make a difference. I kept telling myself that "Once this weight was lost all my problems would just go away," I was wrong and it is crippling me. I find myself in the gym every day working out more and more. Wanting to lose that last bit of extra weight and enter the navy like I want to. That is my escape right now. That idea that at the end of this summer I can leave everything behind me and start a new chapter in my life. Now, I am not so sure anymore... Anyone that is interested in before and after pictures here they are.
Around 300+


Wish me luck. It's been a hard month and I am hoping that May makes things a little better.

Duuude! That is beyond insane.
Major congrats on the transformation, because it isn't as easy as some make it seem.How did you do it, and what was your secret? The Navy may pan out for you this year, or it may not. But you still have a future that is so much healthier and promising. Whatever goals you strive for, you can reach them. I definitely wish ya luck.