Hey guys,
Finals has taken a lot more out of me than I thought. The amount of work is a lot for me to handle and it seems like everyone I talk to can't help. My project partner, who I'm working on developing this game with, has decided at crunch time of development for this game(Which is a game development class) to go down to NV and visit his mother leaving me to stress about turning it in. He has been working on it a lot more than me the past week or two since I have two other classes to focus on...But, it really makes me mad. I know he has worked a lot on this game...More than me...The thing is he continually and subtle insults me all the time for not doing things his way. So, if you ever read this... FUCK YOU.
Finals has taken a lot more out of me than I thought. The amount of work is a lot for me to handle and it seems like everyone I talk to can't help. My project partner, who I'm working on developing this game with, has decided at crunch time of development for this game(Which is a game development class) to go down to NV and visit his mother leaving me to stress about turning it in. He has been working on it a lot more than me the past week or two since I have two other classes to focus on...But, it really makes me mad. I know he has worked a lot on this game...More than me...The thing is he continually and subtle insults me all the time for not doing things his way. So, if you ever read this... FUCK YOU.
SyFy is fine if they'd just stick to showing movies and not making them.
i'm nervous, if they fuck up Ramona I'll be pissed