Why did I join SG? Because one day it just might save my life...
Web chatterers pull off virtual rescue
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, February 5, 2003 Print Edition, Page A1
VANCOUVER -- Darlene Laurie was exchanging messages last week on her favourite Internet site, a chat group linked to a casino game, when she lost consciousness.
She had been struggling with a headache for five days. She remembers sitting at the computer and suddenly losing her vision. Moments before collapsing, she tapped out a message: 911.
The emergency message started a frantic search across the United States for information about a computer user known as Hatless Bug. People from 10 states became involved in tracking her down.
Someone in Pennsylvania had a phone number for Ms. Laurie; someone in Connecticut had an address. Someone in Kennewick, Wash., contacted the RCMP in the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby.
The police sent a patrol car to Ms. Laurie's home and, after receiving no response, the Mounties forced their way in.
Less than two hours after she lost consciousness, Ms. Laurie, who is housebound with an autoimmune disease that is progressively damaging her eyes, kidney and heart, was under medical care at a local hospital for a minor stroke.
Web chatterers pull off virtual rescue
The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, February 5, 2003 Print Edition, Page A1
VANCOUVER -- Darlene Laurie was exchanging messages last week on her favourite Internet site, a chat group linked to a casino game, when she lost consciousness.
She had been struggling with a headache for five days. She remembers sitting at the computer and suddenly losing her vision. Moments before collapsing, she tapped out a message: 911.
The emergency message started a frantic search across the United States for information about a computer user known as Hatless Bug. People from 10 states became involved in tracking her down.
Someone in Pennsylvania had a phone number for Ms. Laurie; someone in Connecticut had an address. Someone in Kennewick, Wash., contacted the RCMP in the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby.
The police sent a patrol car to Ms. Laurie's home and, after receiving no response, the Mounties forced their way in.
Less than two hours after she lost consciousness, Ms. Laurie, who is housebound with an autoimmune disease that is progressively damaging her eyes, kidney and heart, was under medical care at a local hospital for a minor stroke.
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