Tom Rhodes said:
Cause why beat your child, when you can damage them so much more psychologically?
I am so sorry if you got that joke. That means you come from a broken home too.
(Oooh danny boyle.... The pipes damnit! THE PIPES!! *explosion*)
ABC News did a segment on a church in North Carolina that wouldn't let people who voted for Kerry attend service. Here's a basic summary: All the hicks are goin to Hell. Doesn't matter who voted for what, they're all goin. And I'll be there helpin to crack the whips.
Which reminds me....
Fenchurch's journal is amusing. Makes me want to eat fish 'n chips and drink breakfast tea... No. Wait, what I meant was-OMG 717713555!!11!1!1
I mentioned I'm not an intellectual, right?
You know what's sad? I actually ate fish & chips and had english breakfast tea yesterday for lunch/dinner. I am such a fucking tosser.
I hope you have enough brain cells to replace the ones you lost on this entry. If not, toobadsucka!
(so now I'm rollin' down rodeo with a shotgun...)
I am so not completely over my goth phase.
(I can't believe I'm seriously considering keeping this username. It's just so short 'n catchy, and it's retarded that nobody's taken it yet. I was planning on changing to Chanbara_Logic, which is longer yet cooler, but....)
And personally, I'd give anything to be stupid. Ignorance is bliss.