Why didn't I think of that? Probably cause I don't care much for 'em.
Alright, end of the week update, what have we got. MORE BULLETS:
- new part-time day job stocking women's shoes. hot managers wanting to bone studly co-workers that aren't me. SCANDALOUS.
- watching harvey birdman on pills is great.
- history of violence kinda sucked, shoulda waited till video
- theater hopping: still awesome.
- blue sticky notes are my new friend, but not in a trevor reznik kind of way. though playing tic-tac-toe with my guilty subconscious would be pretty cool. "diagonal again?! you are a clever one, guilty subconscious."
- community college next spring. everybody stfu.
- Quizno's breakfast sammies: still god. Not good. GOD.
We now conclude our internet blog update.
Well shit, spoiler tags.
or librarian non-ass, as it were?
-bats eyelashes-
mmm, yeah, that's, mmmm, that's real nice.