The psycho is almost gone... our fouth roomte is leaving on the 15th... and while she's doing her best to make our lives hell for now, we'll be ok becuase we know she'll be gone soon... the only thing I'm worried about is the four rats, she likes to call them hers but.. me and tara are the ones who pay for all of their food, clean their cage, and make sure they get out each day for play time... and like hell I'll let her split up the girls, or the boys... she can go sit on a tack, it ain't happening, they're stayng together, here, where they'll be taken good care of. She's already started locking her room and hording jenny's things in there... not entirely sure how we'll deal with that one but.. we shall see.
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so.. I guess I'm looking for a new place to live come march.. yeaaah … -
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Wednesday Jan 11, 2006
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Saturday Dec 17, 2005
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Saturday Nov 26, 2005
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