Apparently Im part of a podcast every so often called Foul Monkys. Its my gay friends podcast where they just kind of rant, its fun. They are on Itunes as well, its fun just ranting for an hour. Check it out if you get a chance, Im only a guest, so Im not always on it, only been on 3 of them so far. And Im sure TheDom will be joining in on the fun here soon as well
Other than that, I am in a mood tonight... and its killing me... I really shouldnt be allowed to be bored in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping before work.... its a good thing I sold me emotions years ago.
Oh! and I came up with a new analogy for love... "Its like a hot cup of herbal honey tea, delicious and soothing to the core, but being drank by a 3 year old one armed kid with teretz and having seizures." I love bashing love ...... Irony!!!!
Other than that, I am in a mood tonight... and its killing me... I really shouldnt be allowed to be bored in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping before work.... its a good thing I sold me emotions years ago.
Oh! and I came up with a new analogy for love... "Its like a hot cup of herbal honey tea, delicious and soothing to the core, but being drank by a 3 year old one armed kid with teretz and having seizures." I love bashing love ...... Irony!!!!
Sorry I disappeared Tuesday....I had to make my rounds about town. I made it back for last call, but you guys were already gone
I'm in a call center now and it's fine. I probably will just go for like a cashier at Target or something mindless, though.