So, I spent an hour last night writing a proper update. It included my reasoning behind deciding to stay on SG, my sorrow over the loss of Dusty, a glowing review of the set that Idjiit shot for Morgan and Cairo, a full status update, another glowing review for KaliDoom, a comic from Sinfest. I got all the way past what I was currently reading, and was about to ramble, when my fucking browser froze.
I tried to copy and paste to a text document, but I failed miserably. Reason #5968479 why I'm a fucking moron.
What's reason #1? Well, I've managed to enfuriate both my roomate and my girlfriend due to my inability to comprehend written fucking words. I am 550 dollars in debt to Obsidian, but I didn't get my paycheck on Thursday as I should have. As it is, I'm stuck in Valencia, again, with no money. No way home, no food, no phone blahblahblahblahbitchwhineandmoan. Oh, and I'm a fucking dickhead.
Why is my goddamn account not grey?
In happier news, go wish LokisChild a happy birthday. I'm TheSeadork as her birthday present (a name brought to you by the awesome dday), plus I'm just a Seadork. So it fits.
Now it's StephenDedalus's birthday, too! Go wish her a great one!
I miss Kali so much that it makes my chest hurt. I want to see her immediately. Somebody make that happen. Please?
I tried to copy and paste to a text document, but I failed miserably. Reason #5968479 why I'm a fucking moron.
What's reason #1? Well, I've managed to enfuriate both my roomate and my girlfriend due to my inability to comprehend written fucking words. I am 550 dollars in debt to Obsidian, but I didn't get my paycheck on Thursday as I should have. As it is, I'm stuck in Valencia, again, with no money. No way home, no food, no phone blahblahblahblahbitchwhineandmoan. Oh, and I'm a fucking dickhead.
Why is my goddamn account not grey?
In happier news, go wish LokisChild a happy birthday. I'm TheSeadork as her birthday present (a name brought to you by the awesome dday), plus I'm just a Seadork. So it fits.
Now it's StephenDedalus's birthday, too! Go wish her a great one!

I miss Kali so much that it makes my chest hurt. I want to see her immediately. Somebody make that happen. Please?
I'm here, babydoll. Still trying to get some work done.
May be easier to contact me through e-mail, babe. I've sent out around 150 e-mails in the last hour, so my mailbox is going absolutely insane right now. I'll put yours at precedence, of course.