I feel like absolute fucking crap. How are you doing? I often think I may be hollow. I suppose I won't know until I fall hard enough to split open. Somebody take pictures.
Good things are happening, though. More writing will be accomplished tonight. I crave cigarettes, but I'm not going to buy them. My brother gets here on friday, which is absolutely fucking awesome. I just talked to Trevor on the phone. He was drunk. It was funny.
Bad things tend to happen, too. I don't make enough money to live in LA. I waste 6 hours a day minimum just travelling to and from work. The engine in my truck "blew up". I put this in quotes, because those were the mechanics exact words. I then asked what, exactly, happened. He said, "Uhhhh, it exploded." As if I was stupid, and didn't understand what he meant by "blew up". According to the manager there, I blew a head gasket and fused two pistons due to an internal engine problem. The warranty company is trying to find any way possible not to cover it. Estimated time to repair the damages: 2 to 4 weeks. Fucking brilliant. I told them to put in a new radiator, too, because it needs it. One of these days I'll get around to installing a new AC compressor. Not that it'ss matter for the next 2 to 4 weeks.
I don't really care about either of those paragraphs, though. Trying to get myself excited for Zach's visit, but it's not happening. Oh well. We'll still have fun. It's inevitable when the two of us are together. I need to get back to work now. Later people.
I was still bummed this morning, but I'm happier now.
Plus Kali cheered me up without even knowing she was.
My grandfather was just put on zoloft, and is aparently acting like a normal human being for the first time in his life.
Best of all, 14 days.
Good things are happening, though. More writing will be accomplished tonight. I crave cigarettes, but I'm not going to buy them. My brother gets here on friday, which is absolutely fucking awesome. I just talked to Trevor on the phone. He was drunk. It was funny.
Bad things tend to happen, too. I don't make enough money to live in LA. I waste 6 hours a day minimum just travelling to and from work. The engine in my truck "blew up". I put this in quotes, because those were the mechanics exact words. I then asked what, exactly, happened. He said, "Uhhhh, it exploded." As if I was stupid, and didn't understand what he meant by "blew up". According to the manager there, I blew a head gasket and fused two pistons due to an internal engine problem. The warranty company is trying to find any way possible not to cover it. Estimated time to repair the damages: 2 to 4 weeks. Fucking brilliant. I told them to put in a new radiator, too, because it needs it. One of these days I'll get around to installing a new AC compressor. Not that it'ss matter for the next 2 to 4 weeks.
I don't really care about either of those paragraphs, though. Trying to get myself excited for Zach's visit, but it's not happening. Oh well. We'll still have fun. It's inevitable when the two of us are together. I need to get back to work now. Later people.
I was still bummed this morning, but I'm happier now.
My grandfather was just put on zoloft, and is aparently acting like a normal human being for the first time in his life.
Best of all, 14 days.
hey there space cowboy whats new? hows the week treated you .. i had a quiet one as coming weekend is going to be a big one!
ah this weekend i am seeing land of the dead and i am going to sigur ros