Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day. The only part of night shift that I enjoy... Being able to drink in the morning, without feeling guilty. Not that I ever felt guilty before. I'm just saying, now I don't even have to worry about thinking of maybe possibly getting the urge to feel slightly guilty. What a huge weight off that is, too.
Quick update, and then I need a nap.
Things to do:
Today- naptime, finish unpacking, do laundry, call mom and Zach to see if they made it to NH all right, Drinking and short films with SGLA.
Tomorrow- Call Metrolink and yell at them*, pay bills, call Adam to get the boxes he's storing for me, dinner and/or drinks with buttonbutton, who has returned from her hiatis (Yay!)**, maybe catch Land of the Dead if I have the time.
*Full story to follow
**Speaking of which, she made her return a week after her birthday, so go wish her a Happy Birthday now. Why are you still reading? I said now, damnit.
Back so soon? Sweet. Now let's wrap this shit up.
Brain Forecast:
Sarcasm and absurdity are on the rise. The barometer shows a recent increase in both anthropomorphization and autoconversing. Feeling the need to use big words while regailing you with infantile tails (a hobby of mine). By the time I wake up today, I'll most likely have regained control of my brain. By regain control, I mean that it will still be chaos up in there, but the fun kind of chaos, as oposed to the shit in there this past month. Old school journal entry is imminent. Urge to write in stream of consciousness, rising.
Life forecast:
Temperature is still high, but it's cooling off. The desire to pick a fight with someone big and dumb is fading. Scattered storms, and a chance of showers. There's always a chance of showers. I like playing in the rain a little too much. My cold frot drifted out to sea. For those I talk with on the phone, I should be a bit livlier soon. I won't be on as much, though, due to my damn, dirty schedule. A possible warm front may be coming in from the east. I'm looking forward to some sunny days.
But enough semi cryptic nonsense. I need sleep, and you need to go read something that makes sense.
Special thanks go out to TedKoppel, for leaving the best testimonial ever. It's too bad you're ill equiped for making babies, or you would so have to have mine. At least a few of them, anyway.
Why are stupid journal entries such fucking assholes? Answer that and stay fashionable.
Quick update, and then I need a nap.
Things to do:
Today- naptime, finish unpacking, do laundry, call mom and Zach to see if they made it to NH all right, Drinking and short films with SGLA.
Tomorrow- Call Metrolink and yell at them*, pay bills, call Adam to get the boxes he's storing for me, dinner and/or drinks with buttonbutton, who has returned from her hiatis (Yay!)**, maybe catch Land of the Dead if I have the time.
*Full story to follow
**Speaking of which, she made her return a week after her birthday, so go wish her a Happy Birthday now. Why are you still reading? I said now, damnit.
Back so soon? Sweet. Now let's wrap this shit up.
Brain Forecast:
Sarcasm and absurdity are on the rise. The barometer shows a recent increase in both anthropomorphization and autoconversing. Feeling the need to use big words while regailing you with infantile tails (a hobby of mine). By the time I wake up today, I'll most likely have regained control of my brain. By regain control, I mean that it will still be chaos up in there, but the fun kind of chaos, as oposed to the shit in there this past month. Old school journal entry is imminent. Urge to write in stream of consciousness, rising.
Life forecast:
Temperature is still high, but it's cooling off. The desire to pick a fight with someone big and dumb is fading. Scattered storms, and a chance of showers. There's always a chance of showers. I like playing in the rain a little too much. My cold frot drifted out to sea. For those I talk with on the phone, I should be a bit livlier soon. I won't be on as much, though, due to my damn, dirty schedule. A possible warm front may be coming in from the east. I'm looking forward to some sunny days.
But enough semi cryptic nonsense. I need sleep, and you need to go read something that makes sense.
Special thanks go out to TedKoppel, for leaving the best testimonial ever. It's too bad you're ill equiped for making babies, or you would so have to have mine. At least a few of them, anyway.
Why are stupid journal entries such fucking assholes? Answer that and stay fashionable.
How is the Tao of Steve not on your fav films list?
Did I mention how sad I am that you are not coming on the camping trip