This update really kind of sucks. Don't bother reading it.
What? You don't believe me? Fine, here's some pproof. This is how it begins->
Was that enough to steer you away? God, I hope so.
SPOILERS! (Click to view) 
I'm not entirely sure why I'm sad.
Maybe it's because my work sent out an email promising everyone ice cream, but forgot about the night shift. No ice cream when ice cream is expected does tend to make one sad.
But I'm pretty damn sure I was sad before that. I must have just burnt out all of my happy the other day. I should make a note for future reference not to deplete my entire happy supply within such a short period. I only had so much. It should have been concerved. Oh well. Updating when sad was a bad choice too. Sorry about that. Plus, I didn't think that finishing off that other update, which started so upbeat, was a good idea right now. Trust me though, it's filled to the brim with news. It'll be reminiscent of my old updates, back when I had something to say. But not just like them, since I no longer seem to have anything to say. Or at least not the words to say it. Pfft, this update sucks. I'm going to go put a warning lable on it, so that you won't read it. Aren't I a nice guy? Well, no. Not really.
we had a pizza party at work AND it just happened to be the day I had surgery SO I missed out big time!