Oh man, I was going to do this last night, but I pased out at my desk, and woke up this morning with a keyboard imprint on my face. I looked like this--->
, except much larger, and with a keyboard imprint, and hair and a nose and ears and blue eyes, and a kneck that conects my head to my body and my skin isn't yellow. But other than those little things, I looked just like that. Oh, plus I don't think I was smiling either.
I think I'll begin, at the begining. I was born November 28th, 1979 to first time parents Daniel and Kathleen Moren... You know, on second thought, I think I'll start with Saturday.
I woke up early as fuck and hit up a few restaurants for employment. But at noon, it was friggin SG pancake time. I headed over to Farmers Market to meet up with the SGLA crew, and was actually on time to an SGLA event for once. I'll never try that again. I wandered around in my pajamas for an hour or so, and the first people I saw happened to be HeXeK and Noctem, which was awesome. We found the rest of the SGLAers at a bar, and ended up having pancakes and beer
. I spent all of my money
... but, the pancakes and beer were awesome
. I re-met a bunch of people, and met a few new ones. I think I might have talked more at this event than at past ones, which isn't saying much.
Afterwards, HeXeK and Noctem gave me a ride to HeXeK's place, where we were having the inagural SGIE party. WhoDoVooDooWeDo was the first to show up, and we commenced with the drinking and shooting each other with Airsoft guns. I'm still covered with welts. I look like I've got the pox. Drunk guys do dumb things. But, just after 8, everyone started showing up. Beatonbratmade an awesome SGIE poster, and SGIE nametags. I met and talked to sooo many people, that I'm not even going to attempt listing them all. I'm far too lazy. I did get to finally meet Akasha823, which was really cool. And I talked a lot to Timskol, bbbbbeckah, dday, and many many more. The liquor, beer absinthe, moonshine and ether destroyed mmy brain. Did I just say ether? Oops, you weren't supposed to know about that habit.
The highlights of the evening were probably Noctem getting a guitar smashed on his head, the cookies Akasha823 brought, the strange concoctions HeXeK whipped up, trying to fit Noctem into the freezer, and meeting a bunch of awesome people. Anyone reading this who wasn't there is probably thinking that Noctem didn't have a good time, but I assure you, he did. Despite the fact that he was taken hostage.
But, all good things must come to an end, so eventually people wandered off, and a few of us were left to pass out on the floor and couches. Morning came, and we slept through it, but then WhoDoVooDooWeDo had to leave early for work. By early, I mean about 1 in the afternoon. We hung out recouperating until 6ish, when SHARK gave me a ride home. Then I came upstairs, showered, sat down to type, and woke up looking like this ---->
, other than the shit I mentioned earlier.
I had 2 interviews this morning, and was picked up by a temp agency that specializes in medical nonsense or something. Went grocery shopping too. That was exciting. I got to use a gift card my mom sent me. Three cheers for fresh produce.
That's about all that my puny brain can manage at this point.
And most importantly
While people are still struggling as a result of the tsunami, there's also been a lot of suffering here at home, as a result of the mudslides. Since I don't have the money to help right now, I'm trying to spread the word, at least until I can do more to help.
Please stop by Fractal's or Trilobyte's journals if you would like more information on upcoming events in support of the families who have been affected. Thank you.
I held a contest in my last entry to see what your favorite past journal of mine was. Nobody participated, so fuck you, I picked em.
For nostalgia purposes, here's a link to my first entry, to which 2 people responded.
But this is my all time favorite. Only Lielock responded to it, because it was just my 4th entry. If you're board, you can check it out. Wormholes are awesome.
Finally, I'm going to rip off an idea from Squee, because it kicks ass. I want you to tell me your favorite SG member, and why.
Thanks guys/gals.

I think I'll begin, at the begining. I was born November 28th, 1979 to first time parents Daniel and Kathleen Moren... You know, on second thought, I think I'll start with Saturday.
I woke up early as fuck and hit up a few restaurants for employment. But at noon, it was friggin SG pancake time. I headed over to Farmers Market to meet up with the SGLA crew, and was actually on time to an SGLA event for once. I'll never try that again. I wandered around in my pajamas for an hour or so, and the first people I saw happened to be HeXeK and Noctem, which was awesome. We found the rest of the SGLAers at a bar, and ended up having pancakes and beer

Afterwards, HeXeK and Noctem gave me a ride to HeXeK's place, where we were having the inagural SGIE party. WhoDoVooDooWeDo was the first to show up, and we commenced with the drinking and shooting each other with Airsoft guns. I'm still covered with welts. I look like I've got the pox. Drunk guys do dumb things. But, just after 8, everyone started showing up. Beatonbratmade an awesome SGIE poster, and SGIE nametags. I met and talked to sooo many people, that I'm not even going to attempt listing them all. I'm far too lazy. I did get to finally meet Akasha823, which was really cool. And I talked a lot to Timskol, bbbbbeckah, dday, and many many more. The liquor, beer absinthe, moonshine and ether destroyed mmy brain. Did I just say ether? Oops, you weren't supposed to know about that habit.

The highlights of the evening were probably Noctem getting a guitar smashed on his head, the cookies Akasha823 brought, the strange concoctions HeXeK whipped up, trying to fit Noctem into the freezer, and meeting a bunch of awesome people. Anyone reading this who wasn't there is probably thinking that Noctem didn't have a good time, but I assure you, he did. Despite the fact that he was taken hostage.
But, all good things must come to an end, so eventually people wandered off, and a few of us were left to pass out on the floor and couches. Morning came, and we slept through it, but then WhoDoVooDooWeDo had to leave early for work. By early, I mean about 1 in the afternoon. We hung out recouperating until 6ish, when SHARK gave me a ride home. Then I came upstairs, showered, sat down to type, and woke up looking like this ---->

I had 2 interviews this morning, and was picked up by a temp agency that specializes in medical nonsense or something. Went grocery shopping too. That was exciting. I got to use a gift card my mom sent me. Three cheers for fresh produce.
That's about all that my puny brain can manage at this point.
And most importantly
While people are still struggling as a result of the tsunami, there's also been a lot of suffering here at home, as a result of the mudslides. Since I don't have the money to help right now, I'm trying to spread the word, at least until I can do more to help.
Please stop by Fractal's or Trilobyte's journals if you would like more information on upcoming events in support of the families who have been affected. Thank you.
I held a contest in my last entry to see what your favorite past journal of mine was. Nobody participated, so fuck you, I picked em.
For nostalgia purposes, here's a link to my first entry, to which 2 people responded.
But this is my all time favorite. Only Lielock responded to it, because it was just my 4th entry. If you're board, you can check it out. Wormholes are awesome.
Finally, I'm going to rip off an idea from Squee, because it kicks ass. I want you to tell me your favorite SG member, and why.
Thanks guys/gals.

whar is the seadog?
arrr you going to eat pizza tomorrow?
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender says, "why do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" To which the pirate replies, "Arrrr, it's driving me nuts!"