I'm back from Phoenix! I was battling the delerium tremons from SG withdrawl. Aparently a new computer would have been an apropriate gift for my parents, cus theirs committed hari kiri. I'm a bit disapointed though... Over a week away from SG and only 21 comments? Come on now. I know you missed me more than that. Or were you all so grief stricken from my absence that you felt compelled to cast yourself from atop a cliff, only to be dashed upon the frothy black water and jagged rocks below? Damn, I sure as hell hope not. Who then would I ramble on to?
Christmas was much better than I had thought it would be. Best one I've had since I was young, and high all the time. I've got a new wireless mouse that kicks the shit out of my old one. Seriously, its got him in a headlock and it's kicking his teeth in. I love my new mouse. Plus I got a webcam which I need to figure out how to use. Gift cards rock. I got one for Best Buy, which is perfect for me. I bought the 25th anniversary edition of Zombie 2, The criterion edition of The Thing, and Upright Citizens Brigade Season 1 with it. I also got a gift card for Old Navy, which reminded me of those American Express gift card commercials. What the fuck am I going to buy at Old Navy?!
I felt bad this year though. Being poor and all, I couldn't afford to go all out like I usually do, so I just went all out for my little brother, and everybody else kind of got stiffed. Oops. I usually give the best presents, but the prize this year goes to my brother. Now that he's got a job, he picked up where I left off. Well done Zach. Well done. As soon as he's 18, I should get him to join SG. Then we could all taunt him. It'll be great.
So how's your brand spankin new year looking so far? Mine's not too shabby. Aside fro the poorness. Got any resolutions? Mine are to quit smoking (I'm on day 2), get in shape for the fire department tryout thingamabobber, write something decent, and read at least two books a month (One fiction, and one that'll teach me another useless skill). I'm about to start The Vampire Lestat, and a book on english composition. What your your resolutions?
I think it's kind of odd that my webcam takes better pictures than my digital camera.
3 days, no smokes, no dip, no patch, no gum, no friggin nicotine. I'm at the point where I can't tell if the urge to kill is rising or diminishing. My new webcam pics make me look far happier than I really am. I want to rend flesh from the bone, I want to taste blood, I want to bath in the pain of innocents, I want to make you my victim.
Christmas was much better than I had thought it would be. Best one I've had since I was young, and high all the time. I've got a new wireless mouse that kicks the shit out of my old one. Seriously, its got him in a headlock and it's kicking his teeth in. I love my new mouse. Plus I got a webcam which I need to figure out how to use. Gift cards rock. I got one for Best Buy, which is perfect for me. I bought the 25th anniversary edition of Zombie 2, The criterion edition of The Thing, and Upright Citizens Brigade Season 1 with it. I also got a gift card for Old Navy, which reminded me of those American Express gift card commercials. What the fuck am I going to buy at Old Navy?!
I felt bad this year though. Being poor and all, I couldn't afford to go all out like I usually do, so I just went all out for my little brother, and everybody else kind of got stiffed. Oops. I usually give the best presents, but the prize this year goes to my brother. Now that he's got a job, he picked up where I left off. Well done Zach. Well done. As soon as he's 18, I should get him to join SG. Then we could all taunt him. It'll be great.
So how's your brand spankin new year looking so far? Mine's not too shabby. Aside fro the poorness. Got any resolutions? Mine are to quit smoking (I'm on day 2), get in shape for the fire department tryout thingamabobber, write something decent, and read at least two books a month (One fiction, and one that'll teach me another useless skill). I'm about to start The Vampire Lestat, and a book on english composition. What your your resolutions?
I think it's kind of odd that my webcam takes better pictures than my digital camera.

3 days, no smokes, no dip, no patch, no gum, no friggin nicotine. I'm at the point where I can't tell if the urge to kill is rising or diminishing. My new webcam pics make me look far happier than I really am. I want to rend flesh from the bone, I want to taste blood, I want to bath in the pain of innocents, I want to make you my victim.
Am trying to lose weight, and to do the quizes people have on there journal: got 80% on Godsmoker's, and i'm just about to do yours.