Well, I've fallen behind on journalizing again. Thank god jack shit has happened, or I'd be screwed!
A military buddy of Sam and I, Ed Batke, came to visit today. We sat around bullshitting over beers for a long time, then we took advantage of a common interest by zombifying in front of the TV. He's passed out on the couch now.
Who else saw the new South Park Christmas special? That shit had me dying laughing! So fucked up! Damn satanic critters.
News? Ummm... Sam worked on Alias again, but he wasn't featured like last time. They had him wear a ski mask since he was supposed to be someone different.
He's got a military advising job for a TV pilot after the Christmas break, so I might be able to get on that if it goes anywhere. And Heather... Damn. Heather got accepted into The Second City, so that kicks ass for her.
As for me... well... I did work sunday night. I got called to cover for a guy, helping out with some animation. Animation is boooooriiiing! But, it was kind of chill, and we got to listen to good music the whole time. A big change from the hectic crap I'm used to. Plus the owner of the studio asked for my number, and said he'd see me soon. I don't know what that means, but a job would be nice. I'm not holding my breath though.
Have you heard of Jarhead? It's a book that's being adapted into a movie now, starring Jake Gillenhall. Yes, I know that's not how you spell it. No, I don't care. So anyway, Sam was called in to do the make-up and wardroab tests for it a few weeks ago. Then, our buddy Marty got a role in it, based off a monologue that we wrote for him. Now, it turns out that Batke is doing background for the movie. I'm definately going to have to see that one when it comes out. Maybe Marty can get us tickets. [/wishfull thinking]
Hmmm... nope, nothing else for ya. And no fake day either. I need to save that wierdness for this horrible horrible screenplay I'm trying (unsuccesfully) to write.
Final thought- Tootsie Pops. I always lost count of the licks in the low hundreds. How far did you get?
Well, it's 5:30 now. I just laid in my bed for 3 hours staring at the wall, ceiling, alarm clock and pillow. Depending on which direction my most recent toss and/or turn had left me facing. Then I walked to 7/11, even though I didn't need anything. I figured that out once I was there. So I walked back. I did have a great idea for a story though. I'll punch it out this morning, reread it, decide that it sucks, and then delete the shit out of it. So, those are my plans for the day. What are yours?
Where were you, the day I went grey? Ok, so the ten minutes I went grey. I was confused when I couldn't get my groups to pop up. That's when I saw the gmail notifier, with the little message, "SG says you suck, and get the fuck out!"... errr, or something to that effect.
Orion (Oddyophile) is my hero!
A military buddy of Sam and I, Ed Batke, came to visit today. We sat around bullshitting over beers for a long time, then we took advantage of a common interest by zombifying in front of the TV. He's passed out on the couch now.
Who else saw the new South Park Christmas special? That shit had me dying laughing! So fucked up! Damn satanic critters.
News? Ummm... Sam worked on Alias again, but he wasn't featured like last time. They had him wear a ski mask since he was supposed to be someone different.

As for me... well... I did work sunday night. I got called to cover for a guy, helping out with some animation. Animation is boooooriiiing! But, it was kind of chill, and we got to listen to good music the whole time. A big change from the hectic crap I'm used to. Plus the owner of the studio asked for my number, and said he'd see me soon. I don't know what that means, but a job would be nice. I'm not holding my breath though.
Have you heard of Jarhead? It's a book that's being adapted into a movie now, starring Jake Gillenhall. Yes, I know that's not how you spell it. No, I don't care. So anyway, Sam was called in to do the make-up and wardroab tests for it a few weeks ago. Then, our buddy Marty got a role in it, based off a monologue that we wrote for him. Now, it turns out that Batke is doing background for the movie. I'm definately going to have to see that one when it comes out. Maybe Marty can get us tickets. [/wishfull thinking]
Hmmm... nope, nothing else for ya. And no fake day either. I need to save that wierdness for this horrible horrible screenplay I'm trying (unsuccesfully) to write.
Final thought- Tootsie Pops. I always lost count of the licks in the low hundreds. How far did you get?
Well, it's 5:30 now. I just laid in my bed for 3 hours staring at the wall, ceiling, alarm clock and pillow. Depending on which direction my most recent toss and/or turn had left me facing. Then I walked to 7/11, even though I didn't need anything. I figured that out once I was there. So I walked back. I did have a great idea for a story though. I'll punch it out this morning, reread it, decide that it sucks, and then delete the shit out of it. So, those are my plans for the day. What are yours?
Where were you, the day I went grey? Ok, so the ten minutes I went grey. I was confused when I couldn't get my groups to pop up. That's when I saw the gmail notifier, with the little message, "SG says you suck, and get the fuck out!"... errr, or something to that effect.
Orion (Oddyophile) is my hero!
I shall come back to use you later.....
whuhr ya been?