Hello there. How are ya? How've you been? Do I know you???
Me? I'm fine. Still have insomnia, but then the time attached to this entry probably gave that away. I'm not sure where I left off on my last journal, but I think it had something to do with me jacking up the side of my truck like a total friggin retard
. I love my truck, and would never do anything to intentionaly harm it. Honestly. I'm really a good person, it was just this once!
So, I bought a book called 'Good Omen' yesterday, and knocked it off in a few hours today. Great book. It's by the same guy who did Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman (I think that's his name). And I finally picked up the first two books in the Vampire Chronicles. I'll probably kill off the series before the week is out, 'cus I'e got nothing better to do. I also got to see Team America. I've been singing to myself ever since. It's ok though, I fit right in here on the streets of LA.
I did finish writing pitches for two screenplays this weekend. Well, finished makes it sound like I've been working on them for a while. Which I SHOULD have been. But started and finished is a more accurate way of putting it.
I told Sam and Beer I'd learn how to make a website for our company, 'Grunts Unlimited'. We're tired of people getting military advisor jobs and specialty background jobs, just 'cus they where a pencil pusher in the Army or something. So we're starting a company of handpicked people who actually know what the hell they're doing when it comes to combat arms. Sam was a Marine Corps assaultman, and has been to East Timor. Beer was an Army Ranger in Macedonia. Tony is in Iraq for the second time at this very moment with the Marines. Perry was a Marine sniper, & right now he's over their as a security mercenary (the guys a wierdo). And me? Well, I'm me. What more do you need. I can tell these directors all about stuffing a tampon into the gunshot wound in the back of a guys head. Yummy. Basically, we're advertising ourselves as doing military advising, specialty background & acting, and minor stunts. So you get three people for the price of..... Ok, so we're still going to charge them full price, but hey, wouldn't you? I know exactly jack and shit about computers, but they said that I'd probably learn it the fastest. That's really sad when you think about it. So my next few months will be spent learning the foreign language that is 'computers'.
But, in the more immediate future...
I'm catching a plane tonight for Phoenix. Gotta handle some bidniss. I'll be back tomorrow. Then I'll have to drive back AGAIN in a week or so to pick up my bed. Mom Lady is trying to tell me to wait and head up for Thanksgiving/my Bday, but there's no way in hell I'm going another month w/out my bed.
And, I just found out I have something called Trichotillomania. Which explains why I have far fewer eyelashes than I should. I have a habit of pulling them out. I do it to my beard too. And my eyebrows, but you can't tell with them. I'd really like to stop too. Because after 5 years of having to shave every day, I'd like to grow out a nice little goatee.
Speaking of hair. I'm gonna grow mine out, and when it gets too hippie-ish, I'm gonna shave it into a mohawk. Hee hee. Just for shits and giggles. Then, when I get tired of it, I'm going to shave it off and start over. Hair kicks ass. It's like Play-do, butt it takes more patience. Untill then, I'll just keep spending ten minuted messing with my hair, trying to make it look like I didn't mess with my hair.
I bought a new t-shirt today. And ummmmm..... Ok, I'm reaching for straws here, so it may be time to end this.
Fin (That makes me sound soffisticated. But we all know better.... I can't even spell soffisticated.)
EDIT: Well, I'm off to catch a plane to Phoenix. If my plane goes down, know that I died hands in the air, giggling like an adreneline addicted school girl, on a hellacious roller coaster. If only to lighten the mood for the people around me.
Me? I'm fine. Still have insomnia, but then the time attached to this entry probably gave that away. I'm not sure where I left off on my last journal, but I think it had something to do with me jacking up the side of my truck like a total friggin retard

So, I bought a book called 'Good Omen' yesterday, and knocked it off in a few hours today. Great book. It's by the same guy who did Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman (I think that's his name). And I finally picked up the first two books in the Vampire Chronicles. I'll probably kill off the series before the week is out, 'cus I'e got nothing better to do. I also got to see Team America. I've been singing to myself ever since. It's ok though, I fit right in here on the streets of LA.
I did finish writing pitches for two screenplays this weekend. Well, finished makes it sound like I've been working on them for a while. Which I SHOULD have been. But started and finished is a more accurate way of putting it.
I told Sam and Beer I'd learn how to make a website for our company, 'Grunts Unlimited'. We're tired of people getting military advisor jobs and specialty background jobs, just 'cus they where a pencil pusher in the Army or something. So we're starting a company of handpicked people who actually know what the hell they're doing when it comes to combat arms. Sam was a Marine Corps assaultman, and has been to East Timor. Beer was an Army Ranger in Macedonia. Tony is in Iraq for the second time at this very moment with the Marines. Perry was a Marine sniper, & right now he's over their as a security mercenary (the guys a wierdo). And me? Well, I'm me. What more do you need. I can tell these directors all about stuffing a tampon into the gunshot wound in the back of a guys head. Yummy. Basically, we're advertising ourselves as doing military advising, specialty background & acting, and minor stunts. So you get three people for the price of..... Ok, so we're still going to charge them full price, but hey, wouldn't you? I know exactly jack and shit about computers, but they said that I'd probably learn it the fastest. That's really sad when you think about it. So my next few months will be spent learning the foreign language that is 'computers'.
But, in the more immediate future...
I'm catching a plane tonight for Phoenix. Gotta handle some bidniss. I'll be back tomorrow. Then I'll have to drive back AGAIN in a week or so to pick up my bed. Mom Lady is trying to tell me to wait and head up for Thanksgiving/my Bday, but there's no way in hell I'm going another month w/out my bed.
And, I just found out I have something called Trichotillomania. Which explains why I have far fewer eyelashes than I should. I have a habit of pulling them out. I do it to my beard too. And my eyebrows, but you can't tell with them. I'd really like to stop too. Because after 5 years of having to shave every day, I'd like to grow out a nice little goatee.
Speaking of hair. I'm gonna grow mine out, and when it gets too hippie-ish, I'm gonna shave it into a mohawk. Hee hee. Just for shits and giggles. Then, when I get tired of it, I'm going to shave it off and start over. Hair kicks ass. It's like Play-do, butt it takes more patience. Untill then, I'll just keep spending ten minuted messing with my hair, trying to make it look like I didn't mess with my hair.
I bought a new t-shirt today. And ummmmm..... Ok, I'm reaching for straws here, so it may be time to end this.
Fin (That makes me sound soffisticated. But we all know better.... I can't even spell soffisticated.)
EDIT: Well, I'm off to catch a plane to Phoenix. If my plane goes down, know that I died hands in the air, giggling like an adreneline addicted school girl, on a hellacious roller coaster. If only to lighten the mood for the people around me.
I'd never had an anxiety attack before. I'd have to say, I didnt like it so much.
Oh man, a cartoon marathon would rock!! Just like when you were a kid... no worries at all...
I have to agree on the SG thing, as I rarely look at all of the naked women.. It's the community I love, the nudity is only extra goodness...