So, I spent an hour last night writing a proper update. It included my reasoning behind deciding to stay on SG, my sorrow over the loss of Dusty, a glowing review of the set that Idjiit shot for Morgan and Cairo, a full status update, another glowing review for KaliDoom, a comic from Sinfest. I got all the way past what I... Read More
May be easier to contact me through e-mail, babe. I've sent out around 150 e-mails in the last hour, so my mailbox is going absolutely insane right now. I'll put yours at precedence, of course.
You dork!
I knew that it was you who changed, but you messed up the usual order of my friends list, making it harder to discover that squidbizkit was the person who went *poof*.
So, I don't ever eat on my lunchbreak here, and I usually end up taking a walk down by the golf course across the street. Tonight I headed outside to do just that when I ran into a member of the cleaning crew I've never seen before. We bring in these people from a company called Millenium. Out of all the ones that I've met,... Read More
I am at Kali's. I really, really, really do not want to leave next Tuesday. Obsidian, can you go ahead and mail my things to me? In return, I'll keep paying the rent until you find a replacement for me.
Much fun has been had so far. Much fun is yet to be had. Of course, I could have a week long staring... Read More
Oh, and THREE DAYS!!! Then I get to see her again. Yes, I'm happy about that. I have every fucking right to be happy about something.
I'm cutting people from my friends list, despite the fact that I never journal comment these days. God, I'm such an asshole. Just 13 people were cut this time around. I may... Read More