So when SG crashed the pics in my last post were lost. And those pics are on my computer which also crashed. So now I'm on my little laptop and I'm not too happy because most of my music is on my computer, the keyboard is small, screen is small. I mean, it's a small ass laptop.
What's new? I'm sun burned on my arms and a little on my face. I've been riding my vespa pretty much 4 or so hours everyday since I got it back friday morning. I'm a happy camper and can't wait to make the ride down to San Diego this thursday. I just hope the weather stays good. I'm taking 101 down and it's going to be a long ass ride.
My chest piece is healing up great. I have another appointment for it on the 14th. Still trying to find the lettering I want. I'm finally making the money so I can get tattoos more regularly. When I was in the Army I would sweat out the ink. I'm kind of behind schedule haha. Tattoos are horribly addictive.
Tomorrow is my first day back to class after being on recovery for which feels like forever. I'm not happy nor motivated to go. I'm sure I could pass my classes but... I'm just sick of being here. I need to go somewhere knew and be around people that I actually like. It's hard just to do class especially when class doesn't exactly the most interesting thing. But I'm still collecting a shit load of money. Just rough it out for two more months and it's off to San Diego.
Over the weekend I decided to try and adopt a dog. I hope I get a reply back. Alwyn
This is alwyn. She's a corgi chihuahua mix. Isn't she such a cutie?!
What's there not to love?!
Anyway, off for a smoke. Hope everybody had a good weekend!
Stay classy, bitches
What's new? I'm sun burned on my arms and a little on my face. I've been riding my vespa pretty much 4 or so hours everyday since I got it back friday morning. I'm a happy camper and can't wait to make the ride down to San Diego this thursday. I just hope the weather stays good. I'm taking 101 down and it's going to be a long ass ride.
My chest piece is healing up great. I have another appointment for it on the 14th. Still trying to find the lettering I want. I'm finally making the money so I can get tattoos more regularly. When I was in the Army I would sweat out the ink. I'm kind of behind schedule haha. Tattoos are horribly addictive.
Tomorrow is my first day back to class after being on recovery for which feels like forever. I'm not happy nor motivated to go. I'm sure I could pass my classes but... I'm just sick of being here. I need to go somewhere knew and be around people that I actually like. It's hard just to do class especially when class doesn't exactly the most interesting thing. But I'm still collecting a shit load of money. Just rough it out for two more months and it's off to San Diego.
Over the weekend I decided to try and adopt a dog. I hope I get a reply back. Alwyn
This is alwyn. She's a corgi chihuahua mix. Isn't she such a cutie?!
What's there not to love?!
Anyway, off for a smoke. Hope everybody had a good weekend!
Stay classy, bitches
My niece is cute, but suchhhhh a freshie! lol