1.) Got my vespa today. Rode it to bodega. The weather was nice. My vespa looks fucking gorgeous.

2.) Got blood drawn today. When my lil sis saw my booboo, she gave me a hello kitty band-aid.
3.) Yesterday I got my chest piece. It's not done but I'm in lurves with it.
4.) Got xrays on my foot. Don't have to wear a cast. I'm fucking free!
5.) Made reservations at the hotel on camp pendleton for this thursday. Because I'm cool like that. Seeing my college and looking at apartments. I think I found a winner, I just hope they have some available.
6.) I started talking to this really cute sweet girl lately.
7.) I'm still behind in homework.
8.) Lately I have been having a reoccurring dream. I am a mariachi singer and I sing cielito lindo very good. I also have a sweet 'stache.
Subconsciously I can sing this song, kind of like fight club. Esteban is my Tyler Durden.
I'm tired from riding all day. Running on 3 hours of sleep. That about sums things up.
old skool
Stay classy, bitches.