This one goes out to @ojtheviking who asked what some of our favorite books, visually, are. And I thought it would just be easier to put the handful of pictures here rather than trying to link them off site.
So here we go!
These two books are among my favorites, both in content, and sweet, sweet typeset. 1776 by David McCullough and House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. The nifty covers don't hurt them none either. Now the version of 1776 that I have is not the spiffy illustrated edition that came out a few years later, but it still has some great plates. I'm a huge sucker for plates in books, especially glossy ones.
Speaking of plates, House of Leaves has a few of its own, but that's not the only bit of pretty that the book has.
The layout is masterful and integral to the book itself, though I do not claim to be someone that has been able to pick through all the manner of depths that the book weaves, I still enjoy the hell out of the ride.
So, that's the short of it. Hope everyone's had the best weekend they could, and when I get some time later this week going to write a bit in thanks to a number of folks here in the community.
Much Love,