I love lazy saturdays....nothing better to do than mess around. After a late breakfast we built a cocktail bar in our flat and then hung around marvelling at our own genius.
I've sent off my measurements to some of my pixies so they can fashion me a new costume for a rocky horror party. I might even use it in a new set when its complete. I love the idea of being able to do an SB set to order, I'm currently working on one for Madison. So any requests? I can't make any promises, my locations and resources are limited, but i'll try my best.
I'm going to retire to our roof now with a cocktail to watch the hot air balloon festival. Tonight i'll do some more work on my Videodrome Diarama. I hope to have pictures of it soon. It's going to look wicked, it's full of crazy babies.....hopefully the photos will explain
I've sent off my measurements to some of my pixies so they can fashion me a new costume for a rocky horror party. I might even use it in a new set when its complete. I love the idea of being able to do an SB set to order, I'm currently working on one for Madison. So any requests? I can't make any promises, my locations and resources are limited, but i'll try my best.
I'm going to retire to our roof now with a cocktail to watch the hot air balloon festival. Tonight i'll do some more work on my Videodrome Diarama. I hope to have pictures of it soon. It's going to look wicked, it's full of crazy babies.....hopefully the photos will explain
Thanks for the birthday greetings! If you lived on this side of the pond I would let you through the first match!!