As you have heard, the new chair of the FCC, Ajit Pai (may TP fall upon his house), is working to roll back the Net Neutrality protections that were put into place under the previous administration. Mr Pai (may eggs fall upon the siding of his house) has claimed that the current rules are stifling innovation and earnings of the ISPs. These arguments are not based in fact as ISP are continually working to improve their networks, creating new technology offerings, and profits margins have not shrunk.
Mr Pai (may hail fall upon his roof and ding his car) is well spoken and deploys many types of fallacies, such as circular logic & relationship implies causation, in an attempt to sway opinion. He has stated on many occasions that he will do whatever it takes to tear down the current Net Neutrality rules and has created a filing titled “Restoring Internet Freedom”. Please note that Mr Pai (may white dog fur get all over his favorite dark suit) was previously employed as general counsel for Verizon, an ISP that stands to benefit greatly from any rules change.
We all need to take a couple of minutes and weigh in on this issue by leaving a comment with the FCC. To leave a comment regarding the upcoming “Restoring Internet Freedom” proceedings, please go to The URL, created by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, will redirect you to the proceeding search results showing the “Restoring Internet Freedom”. Once there, click on the Express link to the right to express your opinion.