Is there anybody out there

Looking out for me?

Just say you want me

Just say you need me

Is there anybody out there

Looking out for me?

Does anybody need me?

Is every last soul just f#$%ing me over?

With tears on their shoes

And ice on their shoulders

Is there anybody out there

Looking out for me?



The company I work for is pushing this new assembly-line style of work, which has been allowing some to slack off while others are working hard to keep up. And now our team leader is leaving. This last couple weeks have sucked.

Thankfully this Saturday I'm off work and off to Knotfest.

So needed this concert!

Riding the horizon
Falling into you
Feel the vessel tighten
I feel you pull me through
A new world is breaking
Your heart is unveiling
Breaking into pieces
In the gravity of you



It seemed for a while I was letting my hobbies and interests slip due to frustration over a crap job, lonely home life, and unhappy past.

But finally I am doing for myself the things I like to do again. I am getting off the TV and YouTube and reading more, collecting more, and creating more. I am taking the time to dive back into...
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Is it possible to start again at this time of my life? To find a better career, a new love, and a happy life? Or am treading water and watching the sands fall, awaiting the inevitable?

Can I still pull myself from the quicksand?

You can always start a new direction
Always you can... Beginning make afraid, but is the time of the shine...

Tame the fire from within

You won't break me

Love will tie the tourniquet

And suffocate me


So tomorrow I turn 40.

I feel like it should be a big thing, but seeing how I feel like I am nowhere near where I wanted to be when I turned 20 depresses me. I had such dreams and goals, but they were just to have a good job, a good life with a good wife, and a place to call mine.

I don't...
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And if the sun grows cold along the way

And if the stars don't line to light the way

And when you fall away and crash back down below

I'll search the skies for you and I'll follow

I'll be in your afterglow

And I'll bring you home

Thanks. Your profile and pics are gorgeous.

It saddens me when a person you looked up to as an honorable, classy guy is revealed to be a slimeball. I found out today that one of my heroes turned out to have done some bad stuff.

Words can't describe the hurt and disappointment.

Awwww that’s terrible

The frustrations of life are protean, never truly able to be held to a form that can be prepared for and always shifting to adapt to our resilience.