It looks like we'll be getting a crosscountry trip for the holidays.
Stops in Los angeles, Chicago, New Mexico, and Denver. Travelling by train the whole way.
I have a soft spot for travelling by train in winter; you're usually able to comandeer an entire car to yourself, most of the seats have their own AC power for laptops, and the cocktails are reasonably priced. Thanks to about a thousand pubescent nights being lulled to sleep by 'Emmanuelle' movies on Skinemax, I do have a recurring fantasy involving train sex, but I still count what happened on the London underground as technically satisfying that.
Train, Tube, what's the difference, right? It's all pale skin and luggage racks.
So it looks like I'll be doing a great big loop around the country. Now it's all about getting the couches in a neat little row.

It looks like we'll be getting a crosscountry trip for the holidays.
Stops in Los angeles, Chicago, New Mexico, and Denver. Travelling by train the whole way.
I have a soft spot for travelling by train in winter; you're usually able to comandeer an entire car to yourself, most of the seats have their own AC power for laptops, and the cocktails are reasonably priced. Thanks to about a thousand pubescent nights being lulled to sleep by 'Emmanuelle' movies on Skinemax, I do have a recurring fantasy involving train sex, but I still count what happened on the London underground as technically satisfying that.
Train, Tube, what's the difference, right? It's all pale skin and luggage racks.
So it looks like I'll be doing a great big loop around the country. Now it's all about getting the couches in a neat little row.

Really? I gotta see it. I looked a bit - er... arty.
Have fun! I just got back from Chi-town!