Woke up an hour and a half before my flight to Vegas took off. I packed, rode Dawn to SFO, and made it to the plane with five minutes to spare. Now I'm booking a suite on the Strip and drinking absinthe at nine in the morning, three miles above the ground. Like a boss. Now it's time for cORE, cEVIN kEY, and hot tatted...
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rock n roll
My daddy died today. He would have liked you girls.
I'm sorry I missed this post for so long.
I hope that it finds you cheerful.
I hope that it finds you cheerful.
You doin alright?
So tonight, my ex accused me of being the most negative person, ever.
So tonight, I was at the most awesomest party, ever.
So tonight, as the party was ending, one of the boys, drunk as a saint, decided to ride off on his motorcycle.
As he left, there a man there, collecting cans.
As he left, one of the boys, drunk as a saint,...
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So tonight, I was at the most awesomest party, ever.
So tonight, as the party was ending, one of the boys, drunk as a saint, decided to ride off on his motorcycle.
As he left, there a man there, collecting cans.
As he left, one of the boys, drunk as a saint,...
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That doesn't sound negative... it sounds as if it was turned into a positive situation....... but that is from my point of view... an according to my ex I am a selfish-egomanical bitch....so what do I know
Well, after a killer vacation in Denver, I'm back to wandering through the boring SF nightlife, and pushing code.
And well. because this seems to be the only really private site on the internet anymore, I just want to state that I'm seriously considering finding a new job.
And well. because this seems to be the only really private site on the internet anymore, I just want to state that I'm seriously considering finding a new job.
Glad you had a good vacation. 

glad the vaca was good.... an yea your right this is it huh...hmmmm
A weekend in Denver = The best micro-vacation I've had in a while. Awesome.
I like Denver. Only been once but it was nice
The airport is lame after 12 hours but otherwise it's a nice city
Just a random heads-up that I will be in Denver this weekend (Friday-Monday), because I felt an extreme need to get the hell out of SF, but I also want to see Skinny Puppy.
Will prolly spend an inordinate amount of time at Paris and Netherworld, as per usual.
Hit me up if you want a hook up.
Will prolly spend an inordinate amount of time at Paris and Netherworld, as per usual.
Hit me up if you want a hook up.
Eating? OR...secretly using? 

hmmmm? hug
You know you're jaded with SG when...
You're looking at the set of someone you used to have a fierce, heart-stopping crush on, and all you can think is:
"Wow. That's a NICE apartment. I need to get my ass down to Pottery Barn."
Yeah. Vapidity really takes the magic out of it all.
P.S. Just in case you're stumped.
You're looking at the set of someone you used to have a fierce, heart-stopping crush on, and all you can think is:
"Wow. That's a NICE apartment. I need to get my ass down to Pottery Barn."
Yeah. Vapidity really takes the magic out of it all.
P.S. Just in case you're stumped.
Well, it is a NICE apartment.
I'm finding myself wanting to wander again. I look to other cities, other towns, and see a freshness that S.F. long ago lost.
I feel entrenched here, stagnant. I want to play again, find smiles, and bask in the sun.
Yet everywhere I consider has cloud cover for nine months out of the year.
Ironic, that.
I feel entrenched here, stagnant. I want to play again, find smiles, and bask in the sun.
Yet everywhere I consider has cloud cover for nine months out of the year.
Ironic, that.
staying in any city long enough gives it that not so fresh feeling...
come visit la again soon... bring the ex
we should make a day trip to san diego for a safari tour, pitchers of sangria, and food cooked over fire on skewers
come visit la again soon... bring the ex

we should make a day trip to san diego for a safari tour, pitchers of sangria, and food cooked over fire on skewers
yes manymany clouds...here...Savannah is not to bad...if you can deal with humidty