they have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it, which they charge up and discharge

they have a large barge with a radio antenna tower on it, which they charge up and discharge
it would be great if my picture wasen't 3 fucking years old.

so you all know (like there's anyone out there really wanting to read some profile when there's all these beautiful women on this site) - i cut my hair about a year ago. so now, its about 6 inches long. not 3.5 feet, like it used to be. so imagine that pictue with...
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people actually read profiles but it is a rare thing LoL tongue

yep. damn right, motherfuckers. NINE INCH NAILS

i can't wait. spent a chuck of my paycheck - worth it.

now is that empty time, the time between the jobs, the time when i can't sleep, but can't really stay awake either. i don't really know how to explain. but i just can't really deal with it. i should call in to work,...
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I live with dumbasses. Fucking Fools, all of them. I can't wait until I can leave this horrible state. New York, soon I shall return to thy warm embrace.
is that bradford baker? use to be in a band name shovelbarn? if so what the name of his new project?
nope. its andrew wk
well, now we all know what this mean... time for another one of those really annoying "welcome" journal entries. well, i'm just not going to do that.