i want to buy morrisseys new live CD today
More Blogs
Friday May 14, 2004
DUDES!!! i feel like im just gonna jump outta my skin today. grrr. … -
Friday May 14, 2004
meow! so yeah, im gonna post my personal crao today cause i wanna. … -
Wednesday May 12, 2004
LOL. some friends from my favorite bands message board have been tak… -
Tuesday May 11, 2004
fuck fuck, fuckidy fuck!!! i love clutch!!!! i am so going to see t… -
Monday May 10, 2004
youd teach me of honest things things that were daring, things that … -
Monday May 10, 2004
yeah! off to CLUTCH today. yeah ELoRPS...slow road to china, i know… -
Monday May 10, 2004
yeah! off to CLUTCH today. yeah ELoRPS...slow road to china, i know… -
Saturday May 08, 2004
im going to see CLUTCH in a day then!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN MORE FUCKING A… -
Friday May 07, 2004
so...the final episode of friends. like i give a fuck! i hate that … -
Friday Apr 30, 2004
um yeah...so, did i mention i have tickets to go see SOPIE B. HAWKINS…
I'm glad it was something somewhat easy to fix. Might wanna invest in one of those cans of air to clean it out once in awhile.
I look forward to being able to chat with you ionce again.
I'm off to work out a bunch and just not be home...sick of being here.
Take care beauty and I'll talk to you later.