meow! so yeah, im gonna post my personal crao today cause i wanna. so yeah i was hanging out with this guy for a few weeks and you know im freshly outta a relationship and my life is seriously fucked. so i was sayin to this guy 'how about we just be fuck buddies cause well, im not ready to be involved etc...' he was cool with it he said. BUT man! he seemed to actually pretty into me. he was writing me beautiful poetry. i guess in hindsight that was just bullshit...anyway, there were other things, some of the things he said to me it really seemed like he liked me a lot. i was the one who was standoffish. yeah well check it! im chillin with him and after a spell i find myself having feelings for him (even though in my head i SO dont want to). i tell him. we spend several hours on the phone last friday night. when i get off the phone i thought it was all good. yeah so then he fucking ignores me all weekend!!! wont answer my email or calls! sunday i call him and he pics up and says 'STOP CALLING ME' and hangs up!
no fucking explanation, nothing. monday he sends me an email saying he just cant see me anymore
yeah, im feeling way better now but dude did make me cry and i still think about it a little and im just like WTF???????????? ARSE!!! but i went to ithaca monday to see CLUTCH and it got it all out of my system for the most part. it kinda snapped me out of it. that and fiona apples 'when the pawn' CD. FUCK! she is so amazing!!! oh yeah, did i mention im going to see jewel on sunday