meow meow meow snowing out!!!
did everyone meet my new friend the ancient? if not say hi. we met sunday at the gem show. and check this out - he has a tatoo of a raven on his arm and the feathers are exactly like what i want for the wings on my back!!! coincidence? i think not.
i have a stressful week. im feeling lotsa anxiety cause of what i have to teach saturday. its the roughest of all the lectures and i get stressed out. its pretty much cause i feel like i will be inadequate in my presentation. im still working on not picking up the students crappy attitudes. many of them put in very little effort then whine about not understanding and i internalize it as my fault. not fun. anyway, i would very much like to come out tomorrow night. i know i say this every week but hey, maybe one week ill actually do it. i have two chapters i need to study for saturday. i got the first one done last night. my goal is to get to the second one tonight. then perhaps ill feel relaxed enough to slack off wed and go play.
another friend of mine should be joining the site soon. she isnt a ct girl though. its one of my oldest and bestest friends from seattle. ok, meow meow kitty have to work now

did everyone meet my new friend the ancient? if not say hi. we met sunday at the gem show. and check this out - he has a tatoo of a raven on his arm and the feathers are exactly like what i want for the wings on my back!!! coincidence? i think not.
i have a stressful week. im feeling lotsa anxiety cause of what i have to teach saturday. its the roughest of all the lectures and i get stressed out. its pretty much cause i feel like i will be inadequate in my presentation. im still working on not picking up the students crappy attitudes. many of them put in very little effort then whine about not understanding and i internalize it as my fault. not fun. anyway, i would very much like to come out tomorrow night. i know i say this every week but hey, maybe one week ill actually do it. i have two chapters i need to study for saturday. i got the first one done last night. my goal is to get to the second one tonight. then perhaps ill feel relaxed enough to slack off wed and go play.
another friend of mine should be joining the site soon. she isnt a ct girl though. its one of my oldest and bestest friends from seattle. ok, meow meow kitty have to work now

You have accomplished the first step in defeating the lecture issue, you have realized the anxiety is self inflicted. You must convince yourself of your adequecy to build your confidence and positive energy flow. You would not be teaching, if you were not adequete to do so. As for picking up the students crappy attitudes (negative energy), consider and believe this. You yourself are responsible only for your actions, you are NOT resposible for other peoples actions or reactions. Too many people feel, or take responsibilty for other peoples actions/reactions. Maintain your positive energy, and do not let others energies, etherally or physical manifestations of their energies affect or penetrate yours. You are at the head of the class for a reason, you are in charge, they are not.