Oh my Fucking gawd. People in Oklahoma CAN NOT DRIVE. Trying to work today I witnessed no less than Six accidents. Most of them because people can not stop at stop signs and/or want to go 60mph through a parking lot on ice. I mean how stupid can you get? So I'm sitting there trying to do a deposit and CRASH some idiot runs into my building. So I barely get that mess taken care of and two other people near collide at the stop sign one veers off and runs into a light pole not three feet from me. And then two others others run into the same trash can. A little after this another idiot speeds round the corner and SLAM right into a customers parked car. While this is still being taken care of another moron hits my building. What pisses me off the most about this whole situation is their attitudes I mean take the guy that hit the customers car for example. This guy says it's MY fault. And starts off on some speech about needing to salt the parking lot. I'll never forget the look on his face when I pointed down to the salt on the parking lot and said well that is odd. I suppose the salt just magically appeared there after you rammed her car going 64 in a 15 mph zone. Next time try not speeding Buddy.

*looks at TheRedQueen's bewbies*