I am so terrible about keeping this thing updated. Well, Im gonna make a real effort not to fall forever behind again. I really am.
So, the camping trip was everything I dreamed it would be. How amazing it was, to see a quiet little forest transformed in to a shanty town, full of life, youth, and noise. I think I know how people who went to Woodstock felt, divided by about 4700 or so, of course. The tomfoolery was immense. I met tons of really awesome people (who I am really going to write testimonials for), and had one of the best times in my life. And I introduced them to the rocky hat game.
A lot has gone down since then. Of varying degrees of interest. Picking a single thing to recount, I think I will tell of my run in with a filthy gutter punk.
So, me and friends are driving around Boston, going places of mild interest and living the night. The three girls in the car were hooting and hollering out the car window at people (I abstained, because when a guy does it its obnoxious. Three girls doing it is amusing). Eventually we find our selves in the north end, and we pass a couple nasty gutter punks. They yell some things, and I add TAKE A BATH (assuming it would be taken in good humor) to the fray of comments (which included hello hi and whats up), and we all laughed. So, 100 yards or so ahead, we come to a stop light. Lo and behold the gutter punk sprints drunkenly up to the car. We prepared for (as Amy put it) unwitty banter with said punk, which is exactly what happens at first. Then, out of nowhere, this greasy drunken disgusting kid, this gutter punk, with a jacket from hot-topic punches my little bitty Amy-friend square in the face. I mean, you have never seen a less threatening girl. I got out and confronted him while the ladies comforted Amy. This kid was young. Young. He looked about 16, and was probably more like 15. Drunk as sin. In the north end. Every cell in my body wants this brats blood, but I just couldnt hit someone so young & so shitfaced. So I keep him from moving while I call the cops (which, I am sad to say, involved giving chase and grabbing his filthy self at one point. I showered thoroughly when this was over). The cops take forever (its the north end, they should have been everywhere. Go figure), and the brat is taken home to his north shore home, in his retardedly drunken state. In the mean time we talk to his friend, who turned out to be really cool. So it goes.
In more recent news, the SG show at the local club was pretty great. Fenny couldnt make it, which was sad. Her picture from her first set was on the wall twice, so lucky me I get to say I had something I made on the Man Ray walls before it closed. Rock.
My spunky friend Aurora visited, I witnessed goth jello wrestling umm who knows. Lots of stuff. Im gonna give up trying to remember. Im just gonna start keeping this thing updated. Better stories in the future. For reals.
Lastly paintball today was fucking bad-ass. I rocked people faces something furious.
Thats all, over and out.
ps: new jem set = pure love.
pps Jeez. I almost forgot. Im going to London at the end of this month. Me and my friend were talking about how much we missed it. Eventually one of us blurted out that we should just fuckin go. Neither of us called the other ones bluff, so were going. I fucking heart London.
final thought:

So, the camping trip was everything I dreamed it would be. How amazing it was, to see a quiet little forest transformed in to a shanty town, full of life, youth, and noise. I think I know how people who went to Woodstock felt, divided by about 4700 or so, of course. The tomfoolery was immense. I met tons of really awesome people (who I am really going to write testimonials for), and had one of the best times in my life. And I introduced them to the rocky hat game.
A lot has gone down since then. Of varying degrees of interest. Picking a single thing to recount, I think I will tell of my run in with a filthy gutter punk.
So, me and friends are driving around Boston, going places of mild interest and living the night. The three girls in the car were hooting and hollering out the car window at people (I abstained, because when a guy does it its obnoxious. Three girls doing it is amusing). Eventually we find our selves in the north end, and we pass a couple nasty gutter punks. They yell some things, and I add TAKE A BATH (assuming it would be taken in good humor) to the fray of comments (which included hello hi and whats up), and we all laughed. So, 100 yards or so ahead, we come to a stop light. Lo and behold the gutter punk sprints drunkenly up to the car. We prepared for (as Amy put it) unwitty banter with said punk, which is exactly what happens at first. Then, out of nowhere, this greasy drunken disgusting kid, this gutter punk, with a jacket from hot-topic punches my little bitty Amy-friend square in the face. I mean, you have never seen a less threatening girl. I got out and confronted him while the ladies comforted Amy. This kid was young. Young. He looked about 16, and was probably more like 15. Drunk as sin. In the north end. Every cell in my body wants this brats blood, but I just couldnt hit someone so young & so shitfaced. So I keep him from moving while I call the cops (which, I am sad to say, involved giving chase and grabbing his filthy self at one point. I showered thoroughly when this was over). The cops take forever (its the north end, they should have been everywhere. Go figure), and the brat is taken home to his north shore home, in his retardedly drunken state. In the mean time we talk to his friend, who turned out to be really cool. So it goes.
In more recent news, the SG show at the local club was pretty great. Fenny couldnt make it, which was sad. Her picture from her first set was on the wall twice, so lucky me I get to say I had something I made on the Man Ray walls before it closed. Rock.
My spunky friend Aurora visited, I witnessed goth jello wrestling umm who knows. Lots of stuff. Im gonna give up trying to remember. Im just gonna start keeping this thing updated. Better stories in the future. For reals.
Lastly paintball today was fucking bad-ass. I rocked people faces something furious.
Thats all, over and out.
ps: new jem set = pure love.
pps Jeez. I almost forgot. Im going to London at the end of this month. Me and my friend were talking about how much we missed it. Eventually one of us blurted out that we should just fuckin go. Neither of us called the other ones bluff, so were going. I fucking heart London.
final thought:

until next time....