Its been so long? How do I start up again? Where can I begin?
Ahh. Okay, got it.
Now that I have that out of my system, we can make some real progress.
We were fairly certain they were never going to put Nymph live, on account of how old it was and how teh nip stayed undercover for the duration. I am very glad to see that I was completely, entirely, unequivocally incorrect.
Upon seeing that it had gone live (blindsiding the both of us) I ran screaming madly from my dormitory. I garnered strange looks from hippies playing on the lawn as I streaked towards the abode of darling Fen, laughing (as I was informed on my walk back) in the manner of a super-villain who has just sent his nemesis to eel infested waters.
This shit is serious, and Im a clickin my heels.
As a matter of fact, Ive been kind of down the last few weeks, and was feeling super down today. But the set finally going up has got my brain buzzing, and the sun glows bright in my eyes.
So heres the rubdown:
I got a car. I got the car that has given me a giant woody since I met her in 2002; the Toyota Celica.
Its a 2000, and the thing is in immaculate condition. Sadly, she is sick. Just became that way when I was driving to Marlboro. The heating coil dun let go, and shes leaking a bit. Im taking it into the shop on Monday. I hope to god they can fix it in three days, because I need that thing to get home.
My home has been calling my name. I miss the sent of asphalt in the noontime sun.
And the people who fascinate me; who get in my blood, and alter my vision.
Look into those eyes, and tell me what you think you see.
If the shutter flits up at just the right second, a camera can catch more than it was ever meant to.
The north end of Boston isnt like any other place Ive ever seen.
Ive been swamped by work. Reading, and writing, and jumping though hoops. Ive only got one and a half more papers to write, which I really should be doing now.
This past weekend was grand. A friend came up from Marlboro. We watched a movie in my schools theater, then grabbed dinner at a restaurant in town. Now, I had heard this place was fancy, but I had NO IDEA. These people were puttin on the ritz, and heres me and her in our cities, unwittingly walking into the world of the blue-bloods. The meal was just about the best Ive ever had. Fillet mignon served with foie gras. 6 items on the menu, and all of them were like this. Insanely fancy. And the portion sizes were TINY! Is this how rich people eat all the time? Id always be hungry.
Also, I know foie gras is an awful thing to eat. But its not like I do it often. So sod off.
Also, all I ever want to eat from now on is Creme Brulee. Please make a not of it.
On the drive taking her home it got crazy foggy. Like, 10 feet in front of us foggy. And then suddenly there was a moose. Running along side the road. A GIANT.FUCKING.MOOSE. He was HOOGE. We FREAKED out. Stopped the car, flipped U-turn, and drove back to ride beside him for a bit. And me without my camera. JEEEZE
And that was that.
Rocky again once I get home. I do miss it, I do. The show, the parties, the girls in cat costumes.
Its like no other place Ive been.
So, another thing. I realized a while ago that anyone who reads my journal probably thinks Im a horribly unhappy person. Its not quite like that. Its just that when I feel down, I start to write. The result from this is frequent somewhat depressed sounding entries showing up here. That isnt a representation of me. Im not that joyless. I wouldnt say Im sunshine and buttercups; in fact Ive come to the conclusion recently that I am fairly unhappy compared to most people. But on a day to day basis you wouldnt know it. Im diffidently not as bad as the sum of what I write in here would suggest.
I know more than this has happened. But I dont have the time to sit here and try to remember. And I bet my hat that you dont have time to sit there and read any more of this bullshit. And I fucking love my hats.
So, thats it. I am back in Boston on the first of the month.
Be seeing you.
Ahh. Okay, got it.
Now that I have that out of my system, we can make some real progress.
We were fairly certain they were never going to put Nymph live, on account of how old it was and how teh nip stayed undercover for the duration. I am very glad to see that I was completely, entirely, unequivocally incorrect.
Upon seeing that it had gone live (blindsiding the both of us) I ran screaming madly from my dormitory. I garnered strange looks from hippies playing on the lawn as I streaked towards the abode of darling Fen, laughing (as I was informed on my walk back) in the manner of a super-villain who has just sent his nemesis to eel infested waters.
This shit is serious, and Im a clickin my heels.
As a matter of fact, Ive been kind of down the last few weeks, and was feeling super down today. But the set finally going up has got my brain buzzing, and the sun glows bright in my eyes.
So heres the rubdown:
I got a car. I got the car that has given me a giant woody since I met her in 2002; the Toyota Celica.

Its a 2000, and the thing is in immaculate condition. Sadly, she is sick. Just became that way when I was driving to Marlboro. The heating coil dun let go, and shes leaking a bit. Im taking it into the shop on Monday. I hope to god they can fix it in three days, because I need that thing to get home.
My home has been calling my name. I miss the sent of asphalt in the noontime sun.
And the people who fascinate me; who get in my blood, and alter my vision.

Look into those eyes, and tell me what you think you see.
If the shutter flits up at just the right second, a camera can catch more than it was ever meant to.

The north end of Boston isnt like any other place Ive ever seen.
Ive been swamped by work. Reading, and writing, and jumping though hoops. Ive only got one and a half more papers to write, which I really should be doing now.
This past weekend was grand. A friend came up from Marlboro. We watched a movie in my schools theater, then grabbed dinner at a restaurant in town. Now, I had heard this place was fancy, but I had NO IDEA. These people were puttin on the ritz, and heres me and her in our cities, unwittingly walking into the world of the blue-bloods. The meal was just about the best Ive ever had. Fillet mignon served with foie gras. 6 items on the menu, and all of them were like this. Insanely fancy. And the portion sizes were TINY! Is this how rich people eat all the time? Id always be hungry.
Also, I know foie gras is an awful thing to eat. But its not like I do it often. So sod off.
Also, all I ever want to eat from now on is Creme Brulee. Please make a not of it.
On the drive taking her home it got crazy foggy. Like, 10 feet in front of us foggy. And then suddenly there was a moose. Running along side the road. A GIANT.FUCKING.MOOSE. He was HOOGE. We FREAKED out. Stopped the car, flipped U-turn, and drove back to ride beside him for a bit. And me without my camera. JEEEZE
And that was that.
Rocky again once I get home. I do miss it, I do. The show, the parties, the girls in cat costumes.

Its like no other place Ive been.
So, another thing. I realized a while ago that anyone who reads my journal probably thinks Im a horribly unhappy person. Its not quite like that. Its just that when I feel down, I start to write. The result from this is frequent somewhat depressed sounding entries showing up here. That isnt a representation of me. Im not that joyless. I wouldnt say Im sunshine and buttercups; in fact Ive come to the conclusion recently that I am fairly unhappy compared to most people. But on a day to day basis you wouldnt know it. Im diffidently not as bad as the sum of what I write in here would suggest.
I know more than this has happened. But I dont have the time to sit here and try to remember. And I bet my hat that you dont have time to sit there and read any more of this bullshit. And I fucking love my hats.
So, thats it. I am back in Boston on the first of the month.
Be seeing you.
That's one of the nice things about the super expensive restaraunts in Hawaii... they still had pretty decent size portions. And the selection was mad large. I can't wait to go back next summer for a bit!
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