Bored, bored, bored. What to do, what to do?
Work is going super. I had a disagreement with one of the grad students running experiments there, so he invited me to run my own experiment to disprove him. The word publish and coauthor were mentioned. I jumped for joy. So, Im gonna learn Met Lab coding (a common program used in experimental testing) and run an experiment on perception (I cant say more incase I test on you). I need subjects. Its not hard. You know you wanna.
My forearms are speckled in wax. Think Godll get mad at me for using Chanukah candles?
I also got offered 25,000 dollar a year job with benefits, working as a lab tech in a primate lab an hour west of here. Fucking pimp.
Yesterday was Hostel with Lexie, followed by food with Merkling and above. Hostel is a good flick. I think its fascinating how when bad-guys die, I dont feel a thing. Not a single flinch or wince, like when good-guys or even henchmen get it. We glory in the deaths of our enemies. A very human thing, revenge. I love it.
Still bored. Maybe I go out shooting? I really shouldnt. I got an extension on one of my final projects, and I want to finish it today so it isnt hanging over my head anymore. But.. The sun sets so early
Speaking of the baser human emotions (avarice, revenge, photography), there is another. Something about this time of year. Maybe its the weather or how cold my toes get while sleeping alone. Or maybe its the lack of bite marks and afterglow. Im eleven kinds of deprived (and many more kinds of depraved).
Being single blows. I miss getting my daily exercise from sex.
Did I even mention that? I dont know. Peaches, the girl I was seeing for some three weeks and I split it off a bit ago. There was no real chemistry. We both knew it. We tried, didnt work, no hard feelings. Still friends, still think shes super. But we dont work as a pair. Go figure.
Rocky is super, but I miss having a real job.. Whatever. This is getting boring. Im gonna go try to find fun.
Work is going super. I had a disagreement with one of the grad students running experiments there, so he invited me to run my own experiment to disprove him. The word publish and coauthor were mentioned. I jumped for joy. So, Im gonna learn Met Lab coding (a common program used in experimental testing) and run an experiment on perception (I cant say more incase I test on you). I need subjects. Its not hard. You know you wanna.
My forearms are speckled in wax. Think Godll get mad at me for using Chanukah candles?
I also got offered 25,000 dollar a year job with benefits, working as a lab tech in a primate lab an hour west of here. Fucking pimp.
Yesterday was Hostel with Lexie, followed by food with Merkling and above. Hostel is a good flick. I think its fascinating how when bad-guys die, I dont feel a thing. Not a single flinch or wince, like when good-guys or even henchmen get it. We glory in the deaths of our enemies. A very human thing, revenge. I love it.
Still bored. Maybe I go out shooting? I really shouldnt. I got an extension on one of my final projects, and I want to finish it today so it isnt hanging over my head anymore. But.. The sun sets so early
Speaking of the baser human emotions (avarice, revenge, photography), there is another. Something about this time of year. Maybe its the weather or how cold my toes get while sleeping alone. Or maybe its the lack of bite marks and afterglow. Im eleven kinds of deprived (and many more kinds of depraved).
Being single blows. I miss getting my daily exercise from sex.
Did I even mention that? I dont know. Peaches, the girl I was seeing for some three weeks and I split it off a bit ago. There was no real chemistry. We both knew it. We tried, didnt work, no hard feelings. Still friends, still think shes super. But we dont work as a pair. Go figure.
Rocky is super, but I miss having a real job.. Whatever. This is getting boring. Im gonna go try to find fun.
i had to look that up to figure out what it meant.

how did you like the chronicles of narnia and hostel ... hostel looks really gross to me .. narnia was 'eh ...