I love the feeling I have right now. Days like today. It is a feeling of absolute power, and infinite possibility. I can do anything. With a thought, I could bring the heavens crashing down, open up the earth, and create havoc and bedlam around me. There is adventure in the air. Its like electricity. I can feel it building. It makes the hair on my neck stand up, and prickle like saint Elmos fire. Something is coming, something is happening, and I plan to enjoy it. I only wish I had a partner in crime. These things are never as fun alone. But I am comfortable this way, really.
Facts about life right now:
Finals are difficult. I got an internship at Harvard university working with Dr. Livingstone in her neurobiology lab for jan-feb. I got in to the short story class I wanted next term. All my worldly endeavors are going just as I would have them. I am in utter control of my life and surroundings. It is a nice sensation, but I crave chaos. I want to be touched by that which I could never control. Another person who appreciates the beauty in attempting to control the uncontrollable; or at least navigating the stormy waters of disorder. I want this person to, with me, create something larger than both of us, but nonexistent without either of us. Humans have the amazing ability to cause novel change in this mortal coil. We can warp the world around us to meet our precise specifications. And yet, so often, we let our selves go. We give up, and assume we are impotent, and powerless.
I want to breathe flames, and feel passion with every molecule in my body. I want to feel that my flesh is fire, and that the air around me is an electric field. I feel the beginnings of this right now, and it is perfect. But incomplete. I need a partner in crime. A mischief maker. Not a lover, but a compatriot.
Someone reading this is thinking I wonder who he is talking about. Its you. If you want it to be. Desire is the only requirement.
People really are my drug of choice. I crave the ones that give me the best high. The ones who excite me, and the ones who make me trip out, and the ones who change me, augment me, and make me dizzy. Youre one of them, probably. If you are reading this, and you know me. Youre one of my drugs. You get me high, you turn me on. You make me feel superhuman. I love you for it. You let me transcend reality and alter my existence. You are addictive. You are metaphysical. You are SO beautiful. You are the pills I take and the lines I blow. I crave you when I dont have you; and when I have you I want to inhale you in your entirety, and feel you in my blood, spilling in to my brain. I crave your violence and your psychoactive nature. You are my opiate, you are my upper, my psychedelic, my special K, and my alcohol. You are my fucking PCP.
Do you understand?
So. Final summation? I want passion and excitement. I want the unknown. I want control, and I want disorder. And I can have it. The world is ours by birthright. It belongs to us. We need but reach out and take it. The only thing separating you from making the world yours is the putting in the effort necessary, and overcoming the inhibition we all have, the assumption that we are powerless. Be with me. Help me realize our mutual power, and take the world. Swallow it. Consume it. We can change reality as we see fit. We are omnipotent. All-powerful. Why live a life so ordinary, when there is so much more within arms reach? The very heavens will burn dim next to us, and the stars will bow their heads. We can ignite the sky. There is nothing to stop us. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
If you want this, I want you.
This is not a rant, this is not a work of fiction. This is a request. A summons. I want you. I want you with me, so we can change the world.
Are you interested? Tell me. Please.
This isnt idle chitchat. This isnt intershit. This is as serious as the grave.
I promise you.
Facts about life right now:
Finals are difficult. I got an internship at Harvard university working with Dr. Livingstone in her neurobiology lab for jan-feb. I got in to the short story class I wanted next term. All my worldly endeavors are going just as I would have them. I am in utter control of my life and surroundings. It is a nice sensation, but I crave chaos. I want to be touched by that which I could never control. Another person who appreciates the beauty in attempting to control the uncontrollable; or at least navigating the stormy waters of disorder. I want this person to, with me, create something larger than both of us, but nonexistent without either of us. Humans have the amazing ability to cause novel change in this mortal coil. We can warp the world around us to meet our precise specifications. And yet, so often, we let our selves go. We give up, and assume we are impotent, and powerless.
I want to breathe flames, and feel passion with every molecule in my body. I want to feel that my flesh is fire, and that the air around me is an electric field. I feel the beginnings of this right now, and it is perfect. But incomplete. I need a partner in crime. A mischief maker. Not a lover, but a compatriot.
Someone reading this is thinking I wonder who he is talking about. Its you. If you want it to be. Desire is the only requirement.
People really are my drug of choice. I crave the ones that give me the best high. The ones who excite me, and the ones who make me trip out, and the ones who change me, augment me, and make me dizzy. Youre one of them, probably. If you are reading this, and you know me. Youre one of my drugs. You get me high, you turn me on. You make me feel superhuman. I love you for it. You let me transcend reality and alter my existence. You are addictive. You are metaphysical. You are SO beautiful. You are the pills I take and the lines I blow. I crave you when I dont have you; and when I have you I want to inhale you in your entirety, and feel you in my blood, spilling in to my brain. I crave your violence and your psychoactive nature. You are my opiate, you are my upper, my psychedelic, my special K, and my alcohol. You are my fucking PCP.
Do you understand?
So. Final summation? I want passion and excitement. I want the unknown. I want control, and I want disorder. And I can have it. The world is ours by birthright. It belongs to us. We need but reach out and take it. The only thing separating you from making the world yours is the putting in the effort necessary, and overcoming the inhibition we all have, the assumption that we are powerless. Be with me. Help me realize our mutual power, and take the world. Swallow it. Consume it. We can change reality as we see fit. We are omnipotent. All-powerful. Why live a life so ordinary, when there is so much more within arms reach? The very heavens will burn dim next to us, and the stars will bow their heads. We can ignite the sky. There is nothing to stop us. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
If you want this, I want you.
This is not a rant, this is not a work of fiction. This is a request. A summons. I want you. I want you with me, so we can change the world.
Are you interested? Tell me. Please.
This isnt idle chitchat. This isnt intershit. This is as serious as the grave.
I promise you.

i actually meant the fuckoff kid in that thread. he seems to always be in 'confrontational' mode... tearing apart other peoples posts using his 'complex feminist theories' is tiresome. your posts are insightful and well stated