what creature has opted to desimate my post? my page? what villian of existance could conduct this attrocity and still smile?! I'm Vexed! Exhorbitantly vexed!
vexed i was at how all the verbage and personal thought i had inputed into this webpage just magically disappeared...
but this could not be all... mistyping blyss the other nite i came accross Ms. Blythe, and her opening blog had indicated that she had suffered a collosal loss, the loss of her mother, a travesty in itself yes, but then more travesty ensued when i posted to her blog, simply pointing out that there was so much support for her by members of this site while she endures this time of immense suffering, however, it was somehow some way conveyed as insensitivity. and statements were made to me to the extent of that my mother wishes the same fate as hers. i did message her to alert her of the unfathomable situation that has occured. i leave her message below as a testiment to the possibility of the most unexpected responses occuring, regardless of who you are, and the life you lead...
... update, she did get my message of clarity... and there is peace between her i and it would appear that it is as it should be...
vexed i was at how all the verbage and personal thought i had inputed into this webpage just magically disappeared...
but this could not be all... mistyping blyss the other nite i came accross Ms. Blythe, and her opening blog had indicated that she had suffered a collosal loss, the loss of her mother, a travesty in itself yes, but then more travesty ensued when i posted to her blog, simply pointing out that there was so much support for her by members of this site while she endures this time of immense suffering, however, it was somehow some way conveyed as insensitivity. and statements were made to me to the extent of that my mother wishes the same fate as hers. i did message her to alert her of the unfathomable situation that has occured. i leave her message below as a testiment to the possibility of the most unexpected responses occuring, regardless of who you are, and the life you lead...
... update, she did get my message of clarity... and there is peace between her i and it would appear that it is as it should be...
hopefully you'll get my message of clarification, there was no insensitivity. sadly, typed word cannot always convey emotion... just the travesty of the dryness that has apparently occured...
Yes, a travesty............