Im moving all my stuff in the next two days, so I may not have internet for a while. If all goes well, my roomate will let me mooch some intronet time.
I think im gonna get a tattoo of a racoon. I love them.
The greatest thing ever happened yesterday whilst I was taking books off of my bookshelf. A paystub from one of my whole foods checks fell out from between two books. Curious to see what I had gotten paid that week in time, I opened it, and as I did so 300 cash dollars fell onto my desk! At first, I had absolutely no idea where it might have come from. Now I vaguely remember stashing it at one point before I had a checking account, so I wouldn't lose it.
I love my job at the pizza place. Except for when crazy people come in and yell at me and scare customers.
Tommeh and his hot roomate came to visit me yesterday. Go Tom.
My birthday is on friday!! It is also the birthday of my friend (and drummer of the Abi Yoyos). Were having a double b-day bonanza at my friend (and the bass player of the abi yoyo's) house. If you're in the bay area and I know you and you're cool (duh), email and Ill give directions.
I miss Sita and Epicroots and RoseMarie andBabyBeezer
love, shawn
I think im gonna get a tattoo of a racoon. I love them.
The greatest thing ever happened yesterday whilst I was taking books off of my bookshelf. A paystub from one of my whole foods checks fell out from between two books. Curious to see what I had gotten paid that week in time, I opened it, and as I did so 300 cash dollars fell onto my desk! At first, I had absolutely no idea where it might have come from. Now I vaguely remember stashing it at one point before I had a checking account, so I wouldn't lose it.
I love my job at the pizza place. Except for when crazy people come in and yell at me and scare customers.
Tommeh and his hot roomate came to visit me yesterday. Go Tom.

My birthday is on friday!! It is also the birthday of my friend (and drummer of the Abi Yoyos). Were having a double b-day bonanza at my friend (and the bass player of the abi yoyo's) house. If you're in the bay area and I know you and you're cool (duh), email and Ill give directions.
I miss Sita and Epicroots and RoseMarie andBabyBeezer
love, shawn
Uh. I lurve your dating profile! It totally sounds just like me! So when we hang out it would be like hanging out by ourselves, only with more people and more fun.
So, when can we hang out? I still have your belated b'day present. And I'm still trying to find an ID for you!
well, i hope