Its a beatiful day and I feel good. One of those mornings where you wake up feeling great because you know how much fun stuff you've got planned for the day. Layin down the vocals tonight for my friends record. I got a job at a pizza place in the mission; Arinell's pizza at 16th and Valencia. I dont know when I start but I hope its soon. So does my stomach. No moola equals no food.
Saying goodbye is the pits. I hate it.
I saw a gang of motorcyles on my way home today. I decided I'm gonna get one. Do they still make those little side compartments like robin used to ride in?
Listening to the modern lovers.
I ran into a old friend last night. We were close in school but totally plutonic. I think we were too young to know about stuff. But I saw her last night at a party. She's a fox. She asked me out on a date. I said I'd think about it. Then I said just kidding. We're going out to dinner next week.
Its amazingh how everthing turns arond so fast.
love, shawn

Saying goodbye is the pits. I hate it.
I saw a gang of motorcyles on my way home today. I decided I'm gonna get one. Do they still make those little side compartments like robin used to ride in?
Listening to the modern lovers.
I ran into a old friend last night. We were close in school but totally plutonic. I think we were too young to know about stuff. But I saw her last night at a party. She's a fox. She asked me out on a date. I said I'd think about it. Then I said just kidding. We're going out to dinner next week.

Its amazingh how everthing turns arond so fast.

love, shawn
glad to hear it.
and youre right about saying goodbye, it always stinks
um, that was intentional...