Its so hot in San Fran. I wake up now because its too hot in my room. I love living right next to the ocean.
Last night a good number of friends and I broke onto the middle school we went to. I drove my car across campus, through a hallway, and out onto a basketball court, where we played for hours, illuminated by my high beams, my speakers blasting some Dre, and a forty in every hand. We were straight ballers. It was great. A lot of people showed up. Now my feet hurt.
I watched The Boondock Saints again this morning. That movie is radical.
When its this hot outside, I always get the impulse to cut my hair, but Im trying hard to keep growing it out, because I really want dreads again. Yeah, thats right, white boy dreads. I wanna dye 'em all zany colors and put beads and yarn and stuff in them.
My house search is officially on, which means I spend a whole lotta time on craigslist.
love, shawn
Last night a good number of friends and I broke onto the middle school we went to. I drove my car across campus, through a hallway, and out onto a basketball court, where we played for hours, illuminated by my high beams, my speakers blasting some Dre, and a forty in every hand. We were straight ballers. It was great. A lot of people showed up. Now my feet hurt.
I watched The Boondock Saints again this morning. That movie is radical.
When its this hot outside, I always get the impulse to cut my hair, but Im trying hard to keep growing it out, because I really want dreads again. Yeah, thats right, white boy dreads. I wanna dye 'em all zany colors and put beads and yarn and stuff in them.
My house search is officially on, which means I spend a whole lotta time on craigslist.

love, shawn
boooooooo for having to leave your appartment. (I read your last journal entry). I'm calling you today to make plans to hang out.
SF weather = wacky