Because it's very important to appear popular and do exactly what everyone else is:
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage- Instant Coffee at work.
2. Last phone call- Lauren
3. Last text message- Lauren
4. Last song you listened to- Currently listening to Echo and The Bunneymen - Over The Wall.
5. Last time you cried- Closest I've come recently was a couple of months back, but actually tears pouring from my eyes crying has not happened in a hell of a long time.
6. Dated someone twice- Yes.
7. Been cheated on- I don't think so.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it- No.
9. Lost someone special- Hasn't everyone?
10. Been depressed- Yes.
11. Been drunk- A little on occasion.
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Dark Red.
15. Made new friends- Yes.
16. Fallen out of love- Nope.
17. Laughed until you cried- Probably.
18. Met someone who changed you- Yes.
19. Found out who your true friends were- I've not doubted who my friends where for awhile, but I can think of at least one act of kindness that really touched me.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- No.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list- Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life- I've probably met about 95% in real life.
23. How many kids do you want to have- Enough so I have plenty of fresh organs on hand should I need a transplant at a moments notice,
24. Do you have any pets- I used to have a cat, I still miss her at times.
25. Do you want to change your name- No, I'm terrible with names at the best of times.
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Glammed up and had one of the best nights ever in Camden with SGUK.
27. What time did you wake up today- 8am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- Sitting on the night bus coming home from The Ship.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- Lauren coming home.
30. Last time you saw your father- December 26th I think.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- You change a small thing and it builds until your life is unrecognisable, so I'll stick with all my mistakes.
32. What are you listening to right now- iTunes on shuffle.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom- Yes.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- I think I have a small cut in the top of my mouth and I can taste blood.
38. Zodiac sign- Leo
39. Male or female- Male
40. Elementary- Swanmore Primary School.
41. Middle School- See above
42. High school- Aster House-Pupil Referral Unit. I was a...special child.
43. Hair color- Brown.
44. Long or short- Short.
45. Height- 5 foot 11
46. Do you have a crush on someone- Yes.
47. What do you like about yourself- I have a nice hat and a velvet jacket.
48. Piercings- No.
49. Tattoos- No.
50. Righty or lefty- Right.
51. First surgery- Never had surgery.
52. First piercing- no
53. First tattoo- no
54. First best friend- Tom Evans.
55. First sport you joined- Never been that into sport.
56. First pet- Sheba - cat.
57. First vacation remembered- Wales.
58. First concert- Mr Bungle at The Astoria.
59. First crush- Julie Newmar
60. First alcohol drink- Not sure.
61. Eating- Just had pizza.
62. Drinking- Not at the moment
63. I'm about to- answer this question.
64. Listening to- Still iTunes on shuffle unsurprisingly.
65. Waiting for- the man.
66. Want kids- It's not an impossibility.
67. Want to get married- Not really bothered.
68. Careers in mind- I'm thinking academia looks good.
69. Lips or eyes- Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses- Hugs.
71. Shorter or taller- I don't think I mind but then I've never been with a woman taller than me.
72. Older or Younger- About the same age is kind of nice.
73. Romantic or spontaneous- Interesting.
74. Nice stomach or nice arms- Arms.
75. Tattoos or piercings- Tattoos.
76. Sensitive or loud- Sensitive I suppose.
77. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- I guess trouble maker, but this seems a silly question.
79. Kissed a stranger- Yes.
80. Drank hard liquor- Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts- No
82. Sex on first date- Yes.
83. Broken someone's heart- As far as I'm aware no.
84. Had your own heart broken- Yes
85. Been arrested- No
86. Turned someone down- No.
87. Cried when someone died - Yes.
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex- Not in the way your suggesting.
89. Yourself - I try.
90. Miracles - As performed by God? No.
91. Love at first sight - I believe in Lust at first sight.
92. Heaven- No
93. Santa Claus- Not since the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't real.
94. Kissing on the first date- Yes
95. Angels- No.
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now- Lauren. Yes it's a repeating theme, take your goddamn whining elsewhere.
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time- For some reason I find the idea of this happening to me to be almost hysterically funny. That's a no by the way.
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever- Yes.
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without- I feel like a fucking Star Trek cliche but Hope.
100. hoping other people do this- Distinctly unfussed.
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage- Instant Coffee at work.
2. Last phone call- Lauren
3. Last text message- Lauren
4. Last song you listened to- Currently listening to Echo and The Bunneymen - Over The Wall.
5. Last time you cried- Closest I've come recently was a couple of months back, but actually tears pouring from my eyes crying has not happened in a hell of a long time.
6. Dated someone twice- Yes.
7. Been cheated on- I don't think so.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it- No.
9. Lost someone special- Hasn't everyone?
10. Been depressed- Yes.
11. Been drunk- A little on occasion.
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Dark Red.
15. Made new friends- Yes.
16. Fallen out of love- Nope.
17. Laughed until you cried- Probably.
18. Met someone who changed you- Yes.
19. Found out who your true friends were- I've not doubted who my friends where for awhile, but I can think of at least one act of kindness that really touched me.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- No.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list- Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life- I've probably met about 95% in real life.
23. How many kids do you want to have- Enough so I have plenty of fresh organs on hand should I need a transplant at a moments notice,
24. Do you have any pets- I used to have a cat, I still miss her at times.
25. Do you want to change your name- No, I'm terrible with names at the best of times.
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Glammed up and had one of the best nights ever in Camden with SGUK.
27. What time did you wake up today- 8am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- Sitting on the night bus coming home from The Ship.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- Lauren coming home.
30. Last time you saw your father- December 26th I think.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- You change a small thing and it builds until your life is unrecognisable, so I'll stick with all my mistakes.
32. What are you listening to right now- iTunes on shuffle.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom- Yes.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- I think I have a small cut in the top of my mouth and I can taste blood.
38. Zodiac sign- Leo
39. Male or female- Male
40. Elementary- Swanmore Primary School.
41. Middle School- See above
42. High school- Aster House-Pupil Referral Unit. I was a...special child.
43. Hair color- Brown.
44. Long or short- Short.
45. Height- 5 foot 11
46. Do you have a crush on someone- Yes.
47. What do you like about yourself- I have a nice hat and a velvet jacket.
48. Piercings- No.
49. Tattoos- No.
50. Righty or lefty- Right.
51. First surgery- Never had surgery.
52. First piercing- no
53. First tattoo- no
54. First best friend- Tom Evans.
55. First sport you joined- Never been that into sport.
56. First pet- Sheba - cat.
57. First vacation remembered- Wales.
58. First concert- Mr Bungle at The Astoria.
59. First crush- Julie Newmar
60. First alcohol drink- Not sure.
61. Eating- Just had pizza.
62. Drinking- Not at the moment
63. I'm about to- answer this question.
64. Listening to- Still iTunes on shuffle unsurprisingly.
65. Waiting for- the man.
66. Want kids- It's not an impossibility.
67. Want to get married- Not really bothered.
68. Careers in mind- I'm thinking academia looks good.
69. Lips or eyes- Eyes
70. Hugs or kisses- Hugs.
71. Shorter or taller- I don't think I mind but then I've never been with a woman taller than me.
72. Older or Younger- About the same age is kind of nice.
73. Romantic or spontaneous- Interesting.
74. Nice stomach or nice arms- Arms.
75. Tattoos or piercings- Tattoos.
76. Sensitive or loud- Sensitive I suppose.
77. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- I guess trouble maker, but this seems a silly question.
79. Kissed a stranger- Yes.
80. Drank hard liquor- Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts- No
82. Sex on first date- Yes.
83. Broken someone's heart- As far as I'm aware no.
84. Had your own heart broken- Yes
85. Been arrested- No
86. Turned someone down- No.
87. Cried when someone died - Yes.
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex- Not in the way your suggesting.
89. Yourself - I try.
90. Miracles - As performed by God? No.
91. Love at first sight - I believe in Lust at first sight.
92. Heaven- No
93. Santa Claus- Not since the Easter Bunny told me he wasn't real.
94. Kissing on the first date- Yes
95. Angels- No.
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now- Lauren. Yes it's a repeating theme, take your goddamn whining elsewhere.
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time- For some reason I find the idea of this happening to me to be almost hysterically funny. That's a no by the way.
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever- Yes.
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without- I feel like a fucking Star Trek cliche but Hope.
100. hoping other people do this- Distinctly unfussed.
White power.
don't tempt me