Try to guess what I was doing before the power died haha ~wink~
Eh it was on my myspace so I figured I'd put it here... any thoughts from anyone I know? haha Sorry :p
Meh I'm bored right now terribly, and none of you are talking! GET ON HERE... talk! I am in Vegas, with my family! Blaaaaah.
On the upside.. I've got Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper... it doesn't taste like diet ~dies~ >.<
Yay, that huggin made my day 

Funny you should say that. I searched all over the store for "Regular" Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. Apparently such a thing does not exist, and I am emphatically opposed to anything with the word "diet" in the title. Now, if it said "Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper with Extra Sugar, Bacon Grease and Melted Cheese" I can assure you I would have been alllllll over. Alas, it did not, and I cannot say if I will attempt a "Diet" soda, despite your protestations to the greatness of it.