Amazing. Simply amazing. 70,000 some odd songs and I've barely cracked 150. How can so much crap be squeezed into this shiny rectangular fun box?
I got an ipod.
I saw Superman returns today too. I bet you didn't. Something tells me you have to wait until the 28th. Don't you wonder how I saw it?
I thought not.
I'm not sure how this happened, but it's gotten to where I'm worse at online chatting than at person to person. I find IM's, myspace, and mojo to be strange forms of communication. I never know when those kind of ping ponging back and forths are over. Someone sends me something. I send them something back. Then they send me something back.. Setup. Punchline. Audience reation. Now do I send them something back again? Is this a conversation, or merely friendly banter composed of random remarks? In person to person it's much easier. You talk until you run out of day to day patter, and then you both try not to look at each until one of you gives up and says "well nice seeing you, but I gotta run". What if I decide it's needless banter, and they're actually trying to have a conversation with me? Will they just sit there and wait until I sign off and then damn me for the rest of the day? I always say the same thing in that situation.
Damn aol.
I got an ipod.
I saw Superman returns today too. I bet you didn't. Something tells me you have to wait until the 28th. Don't you wonder how I saw it?
I thought not.
I'm not sure how this happened, but it's gotten to where I'm worse at online chatting than at person to person. I find IM's, myspace, and mojo to be strange forms of communication. I never know when those kind of ping ponging back and forths are over. Someone sends me something. I send them something back. Then they send me something back.. Setup. Punchline. Audience reation. Now do I send them something back again? Is this a conversation, or merely friendly banter composed of random remarks? In person to person it's much easier. You talk until you run out of day to day patter, and then you both try not to look at each until one of you gives up and says "well nice seeing you, but I gotta run". What if I decide it's needless banter, and they're actually trying to have a conversation with me? Will they just sit there and wait until I sign off and then damn me for the rest of the day? I always say the same thing in that situation.
Damn aol.
and yes, i did cry like a little girl.
I can hardly contain my excitement... I would check my mail every day in anticipation but, alas, you don't have my address.