Finally it's bedtime. It's just pushing four, and I've got to be at the school by nine to get this thing printed, but my cd re-design project is done! Only two days and two more assignments to go...
But I'm grumpy. Well, maybe not really grumpy - more pouty. I thought I was going to get a bedtime story tonight but it now appears otherwise... (bottom lip quivers violently, voice is a little shakey) Well, I suppose *sniff* that I'll just go to bed then.
[edit 1]
Alright, so this is really cool. Remember how I needed to get to the school really early? Well, before I went to bed last night I wrote myself a list of stuff that I couldn't forget to bring to class - certain paper stocks, stuff like that - but what I should have put on the list, but didn't was 'set your fucking alarm clock!'
I was just woken up by the phone around and hour ago - for those who're just joining me, that would be a good 2 hours past when the class started and about 6 hours past when I should have been there.
So now I'm grumpy. Or at least very unhappy with myself. Fuck, the project was going to be really cool too... I hope my prof will accept it Wednesday. I can just see my email to Iris now:
I fucked up. Again. Big Time. And no, I will not learn from this. Please don't fail me though.
In fact I could probably just re-send an old email - they all say basically say the same thing.
Well, back to work (except where it says "work" you should read "drugs").
Wish me luck.
Finally it's bedtime. It's just pushing four, and I've got to be at the school by nine to get this thing printed, but my cd re-design project is done! Only two days and two more assignments to go...
But I'm grumpy. Well, maybe not really grumpy - more pouty. I thought I was going to get a bedtime story tonight but it now appears otherwise... (bottom lip quivers violently, voice is a little shakey) Well, I suppose *sniff* that I'll just go to bed then.

[edit 1]
Alright, so this is really cool. Remember how I needed to get to the school really early? Well, before I went to bed last night I wrote myself a list of stuff that I couldn't forget to bring to class - certain paper stocks, stuff like that - but what I should have put on the list, but didn't was 'set your fucking alarm clock!'
I was just woken up by the phone around and hour ago - for those who're just joining me, that would be a good 2 hours past when the class started and about 6 hours past when I should have been there.
So now I'm grumpy. Or at least very unhappy with myself. Fuck, the project was going to be really cool too... I hope my prof will accept it Wednesday. I can just see my email to Iris now:
I fucked up. Again. Big Time. And no, I will not learn from this. Please don't fail me though.
In fact I could probably just re-send an old email - they all say basically say the same thing.
Well, back to work (except where it says "work" you should read "drugs").
Wish me luck.
I really like this image... maybe just the setting?
And i'm stoned, and sunday night was VEEEEEEEEERY fun!