Well I've been browsing throught the site lookin' at all the sexy ladies and reading all the great interviews and I am very excited there is this outlet out there for strong women who don't let society mold them and are proud of who they are. I am getting ready to post my pics, haven't had the time to take them. I feel slightly inferior...
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hi you little pisces. thanks for the kind words. yeah, i am imported hot rod bettie. i live in lawrence now, but i was born and raised in california. there's a great rockabilly culture out here though. lots of fun!
You weren't at the SG party I went to a few months ago... you wanna talk about big smelly guys, god damn. At least everyone brought us beer.

On another note, guys always get a bad rap. It's prefectly natural for a man to enjoy seeing a woman naked, and it doesn't necessarily make him a pervert. Besides, most of the perverted guys aren't into SG... they're off looking at the bizzare and degrading shit the internet has to offer.

But, that's just one smelly guy's opinion.
smile I haven't had a chance to post any pictures for my profile, but when I do I know we'll become friends. I'm new to the suicide girls sight and I wonder where it has been all my life. Or where have I been? I do what I like and I like what I do I do what I like and I like what I do...
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skull huh is that so?