what part of my job is important to me don't people understand? i like my job and unlike most other people my age, it's my career. and it doesn't always stop when i leave the office, sometimes i'm grading papers at home or running errands or going to 1000 meetings. yes, it's busy and not always convenient to hanging out, but i love my job. it hasn't cost me anything with the real friends i have, they understand. it's the ones who call me every 3 hours, seeing if i can hang out... now, that it has cost me. and i'm starting to think i don't need those people anyway.
but after friday, it slows down. more like grinds to a halt... and that makes me a little happy.
but after friday, it slows down. more like grinds to a halt... and that makes me a little happy.
Thats one of the weird things about life. As you move on, the people that get pushed out either intentionally or not, and then those who just always are there.