Lord knows I'm a rambling man
Just got back from nyc and it was a great trip. I did a lot of stuff, that I could say a lot about, but I'm lazy so we'll see what happens.
All the photos are on my site.
Grilled Cheese
Ferris Wheels
Household items on the subway
Tieing someone up
The view from the 14th floor
I'm sure there are others, but I don't feel like being all personal today. I love my life.
Hanging with Kestrel this week, she can be proud to be the sole reason I'm still on the site (until monday anyways).
Looks like Tahoe is happening next month. Drinking on the lake shore and lazing about in the hot tub will commence shortly.
Holy crap, how did I get so lucky? I don't even know.

Just got back from nyc and it was a great trip. I did a lot of stuff, that I could say a lot about, but I'm lazy so we'll see what happens.
All the photos are on my site.
Grilled Cheese
Ferris Wheels
Household items on the subway
Tieing someone up
The view from the 14th floor
I'm sure there are others, but I don't feel like being all personal today. I love my life.
Hanging with Kestrel this week, she can be proud to be the sole reason I'm still on the site (until monday anyways).
Looks like Tahoe is happening next month. Drinking on the lake shore and lazing about in the hot tub will commence shortly.
Holy crap, how did I get so lucky? I don't even know.
Sure thing, we could catch a movie at Laemlle's or something and there's lots o' tasty restaurants here. Let me know when you're free.
wait, you're not thepirate, this guy is: