Old Hair
New Hair
On of my coworkers told me he now thinks of me like the guy from american psycho. Thanks!
New Hair
On of my coworkers told me he now thinks of me like the guy from american psycho. Thanks!
but even more so with the other picture. you know. that one where florence pointed the camera at you but it's not really a picture of you.
wee. i'm still at work.
I always forget what I wanna write to you. I know, I should answer in my comment box then cut and paste. But I'm too disorganized for that. I give my mental powers too much credit.
Ah yes. The movie. Sounds fantastic. I love it. Let's make it. We need actors. And actresses. Strictly an SG affair. Give these bimbos and himbos something to do for a few days.
Speaking of himbos . . . .
Dude, you look like two different people. American Schizo is more like it.
Editted to add: Before and Afters have to be taken from vaguely similar angles. Come on. That was Before/Above/To the Right and After/Below/From the Left. Get it together, mirror monkey.
[Edited on Mar 01, 2005 3:15AM]