There are many albums that I hold dear to my heart and that have either symbolised certain struggles in my life or milestones gone by. Certain songs will always be in the background of my life, playing as I revisit the scenes that they accompanied and punctuated as only music can.
Here goes.
"Brat" Green Day (Insomniac) - This Song became the song that spoke to me while I was fourteen, growing up and thinking about what the future held for me if anything. Some of the lyrics definitely played upon the fears of the unknown and that awful transitioning period from being a boy and becoming a man and the notion that I thought time would have always stood still for me, but realising that change is inevitable.
"Take Back" Green Day (Nimrod) - This was the album that signified their peak and it was sad to see them nosedive so rapidly afterwards. But the song Take Back was one that was raw and angry, just as I was at the time, an angry fifteen year old hating life, people and the situation I found myself in. It has always been the go to song to express rage.
"Flower" Eels (Beautiful Freak) - A song I identified with due to feeling completely lost and hated, yet knowing that someday and somehow I would be more than what people assumed I would be and was.
"Rags To Rags" Eels (Beautiful Freak)
"Fucker" Eels (Novocaine For The Soul)- Yearning for someone to be there, yet always wanting to stay alone so I wouldn't get hurt, pretty much sums this choice up
"Doomsday" - Murray Gold (Doctor Who Series 2) This track played constantly right after I was told by my then girlfriend that she had been cheating on me.
"Midian" Cradle of Filth- This whole album is a masterpiece of musicianship and lyrical genius. It opened up new avenues in terms of styles of writing, subject matter and philosophies. I credit Dani Filth , alongside, Bob Dylan and E from Eels as my three major influences in my life.
Fleur De Lily, Rusalka's Umbrella, Blood Folk and Black Water -Jenny Dalton- Four extremely beautiful albums, criminally underrated and from, sadly a fairly unknown artist. But these wonders remind me every listen of the love I have with my wife and family, the beauty of my close friends and generally brings me joy. I cannot praise her work enough. It's an absolute marvel, like an exquisite oil painting that is crafted by unseen hands.
"So Long" - Jenny Owen Youngs (An Unwavering Band Of Light) - The last song I listened to the night before my mum died. It was a year ago today.
@missy @rambo @lyxzen