I saw Corpse Bride last night, it was very clever and entertaining. Not only did it look fairly uniquie but it was a good story. The whole movie including the music was well concieved and entertianing. I am glad I saw the moive thou some parts where a little creepy. The puppets looked awesome, in some shots the titular Corpse Bride looked very cute.
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I accidently deleted altogether a person I accidently added to my friends list twice. A little embarassing but still a minor problem. The weather here has been great for working, neither to hot nor to cold. My company is doing well thou I all was feel anxious. That is at least partialy due to me just being anxious. Next Monday we wll start a fairly...
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I am in good spirits today. Work at my company is chalenging but I think we are making head way, juggling the schedule is always hard in construction. Money is tight but I think we will be OK. ACME was easy as usal. Last night I attended an Octoberfest picnic. It was nice with great food. I also saw Smallvile at my friends. I find...
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thanks kiss

and wxpn? damn I'm getting flashbacks from my philly days.
Have been working my two jobs as usual. Saw the movie Me You and Everybody last weekend. It was a bit strange and funny. My freind and I goofed on the movie thou I have to admit I could relate to the characters use of the internet not to mention their general lonliness and isolation. I don't know if I would wnat to recomend the...
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you didnt have to say anything pithy - your words alone cheered me up.

Thank you for your nice words!
Hello again. I attened my niece's wedding yesterday. I was happy to se her mary and enjoyed the ceremony. It was a mixture of tradition and elements of their own style. It was kind of sad thou since every one missed her father. It waould have been a glorious day if he had been their. ttyl Vince
I haven't been to a wedding since I was of flower girl age
It had been about four years since my last wedding. It was my cousin's wedding. I had been a ring bearer at my brother George's first wedding. I have been to two funerals this year so a wedding was a great and welcome change. ttyl
The weather today was much better than it has been in the past few weeks. The opressive heat has lifted some what making it bearable to be outside. Work has been going smothly, every thing seems to going well. It has been more than a month now since the accident. So much is still up in the air. In my persoanl life nothing to exciting...
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Doing a bit better than I was. work is going well. starting to have a personal life. Saw Lelia Burussard last Saturday. She was awesome. Great songs and a good stage prescence, she was better than the older (20somthing) guy that was her opening act. ttyl Vince
Hello I am doing a bit better than I have been. Lots of issues to deal with. I am starting to live my life again. Updated my email. Went on the web and had some fun. Checked out XIP. Great set. I love happy playful females. Simply great. ttyl vince
I haven't been around in a while and probaly won't be around again this week. My Brother drwoned the Saturday before last. I feel a wide range of emotions. Mainly I feel hurt, shocked and overwhelmed. George was my eldest brother and my business partner. I love him and will miss him. ttyl Vince
Have been bummed out by the News. It is hardly surprising but the attack on London is still shocking. Of course I tend to brood a bit at times. I try to be upbeat and positvie but some times I am just despondant. Now I am up late surfing and checking email. I have been thinking about seeing War of the Worlds. I have heard...
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