I am in good spirits today. Work at my company is chalenging but I think we are making head way, juggling the schedule is always hard in construction. Money is tight but I think we will be OK. ACME was easy as usal. Last night I attended an Octoberfest picnic. It was nice with great food. I also saw Smallvile at my friends. I find myself starting to realy enjoy that show. Next weekend I hope to see Corpse Bride. It looks like it will be good. I have enjoyed all Tim Burton films that I have seen, some how I missed the Nightmare Before Chirstmas
Last weekend I joined WXPN, I listen all the time so I thought I ought to become a supporter. This month I am going to see Lelia Broussard at the Steel City coffehouse. I have seen her in concert before and was very impressed. For a 16 year old she has agreat stage pressence. She upstaged her opening act. Some 20 somthing from New York. She sings blues type music. I love to support local venues and artists, nothing like home grown talent. ttyl

and wxpn? damn I'm getting flashbacks from my philly days.