Insurance companies fucking suck. They want me to list the replacement value of everything stolen from my house, and when I purchased it, then they are going to figure depriciation based on the replacement value. So if I bought something 5 years ago and it cost $400 but today it only cost $100 they are going to figure 5 years depriciation off of $100 not $400. Which basically says that out of the $4600, replacement cost, worth of stuff stole out of my house fucking insurance is going to shit me out of the money so I won't even be able to replace everything.
I fully understand now why people defraud the insurance companies, becasue an honest man gets ass rapped by them.
Fuck insurance companies.
I fully understand now why people defraud the insurance companies, becasue an honest man gets ass rapped by them.
Fuck insurance companies.
Haha. Secret shopper, huh? Sounds like a plan..